A great parody of the psychiatric institution
I believe this film was a comment on the psychiatric profession as a whole... how it basically over-analyzes and unnecessarily complicates human behavioral health. I think the message in this movie is people just need to be loved - that's the best medicine you can give to anyone who has any sickness of any kind. (Of course there are valid serious mental disorders, but the commentary of this film I think is relevant to therapy as applied to functional people with normal emotional problems)
Think of Leo's book "Baby Steps" - as he describes it: "setting small, reasonable goals for yourself, one step at a time". Wow, very innovative idea there Leo - I can see that 8 years of psychiatry school at work in that technique. Leo is basically taking common sense and dressing it up as a novel idea, and I think this is another criticism that this movie makes on the psychiatric institution.
And look at Leo's character - completely self-absorbed, arrogant.. not good character traits for a man who is supposed to be dedicated to helping others. And I love the first meeting between Bob and Leo - a clear slight at the psychiatric profession... what does Leo do for Bob in this interview? Absolutely nothing (even though Bob of course believes Leo helps him). See the way Leo starts out the interview, by just asking Bob to elaborate on the last thing he said ("talk about moving", "talk about weird") - this is one of the lamest methods used by therapists... just basically "tell me about ______" and fill in the blank with the last thing the patient said.
I love the comment on psychiatry and I think it was brilliantly brought to life by the performances of Murray and Dreyfuss.