MovieChat Forums > Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Discussion > anyone else totally preferred the first ...

anyone else totally preferred the first half of the movie?

i loved the movie but thought the all first half was just incredible, until right after they go to the desert and get the weapons from Sarah's friend; more story more cool scenes more cool dialogues; pure 90's top top top quality Hollywood movie, i watch a lot of movies and in modern movies i can't find anything close to that quality in terms of emotions.


I do prefer the first half, but the second half was kind of necessary in order to complete the story. It was either that or stretch it out into a third movie (which they ended up doing anyway, but that's beside the point)

The first half is just pure fun, seeing two terminators causing mayhem. But the second half ties up the actual plot points that began in the first movie by going after Skynet before it's born, in much the same manner that Skynet went after them with the terminators


The movie took a break after Sarah & company escaped the T-1000. I really enjoyed the asylum confrontation the most out of the 3 battles.


While both halves are great I agree the first half is the better and more enjoyable half of the two, overall it's still a classic movie that I enjoy watching.


the dyson subplots are quite boring.

desert scene were cool. i like them.


I agree the first half is definitely better than the second. The first half doesn’t really let up or slow down at all, it’s so good. As soon as the characters arrive in the desert things take a downward turn but it’s all worth it in the end.


Nah, the second half was way more epic, original, and where the movie really shines and became a classic.


I agree. I enjoy watching Arnold get pummelled by bullets inside of Skynet and morphing into the machine puppet.


Yeah I can see why. I mean the central villain disappears for a good chunk of the movie while it stops to focus a bit on the characters before seguing into the Miles Dyson/Cyberdyne section. None of that is bad but it loses that urgency and fear from the constant pursuit permeating the first half. Once the T-1000 does finally return it's basically one long (And great) action sequence.


It slows down in the desert because the desert is the intermission. The first act ends after the semi truck scene, the 2nd act ends after the hospital battle, the desert is intermission where we reflect and think deep and the 3rd act starts with Sarah assassination attempt on Dyson.



The desert gives some reflective character moments and a break before things kick off again. Short attention spans can’t handle proper storytelling and want constant stimulation, which is why the Terminator series turned to shit after T2, and why 99% of studio films now are instantly forgettable crap.

We all remember T2 though, it’s a classic because it’s brilliantly made and assumes the audience are thoughtful adults with brains.
