Big flaws with what you said. First off she was in the institution when John's parents and his dog were killed. The police came there to tell her about it. Also she probably wouldn't be charged with the murder of the guard done by the T-1000 as they would think that would have happened afterwards since all those employees in the security office saw him and therefore they would think it happened later than it did. Plus she was several floors up with Silberman when it happened so she has a witness to verify it
Also she would not be charged with the murder of the semi truck driver as there is the witness of the guy whose pick up truck they stole who would say Sarah stole his truck thereby verifying she didn't do that either. She would probably go back to the mental institution since everyone thinks she's mentally ill. Poor John would go to an orphanage as they all believe the terminator kidnapped him and just send him to one.