Opinions on Dr. Silberman?

He may be a bit of an ass but I didn't think he was a really bad guy, I thought the hospital orderlies were a lot worse than Silberman ever was, especially the blonde guy who was licking Sarah's face while she was laying down in the hospital.


Sarah should have splattered his brains on the walls of the asylum - but we all know he was untouchable.


Re-watching it nowadays, it's hard to see him as 'the man', especially when we don't really know what he's been through with Sarah as his patient. We don't have enough of their shared past to feel like he's just a dick or she's just crazy. But you kind of get the sense that the problem lies with Sarah's behaviour more than with Silberman's.


Well, he's clearly a bad doctor.
He was already talking down to his patiens in the first Terminator, when he considered Reese's story good material to make his carreer but never analyzed anything in favor of his patient.
Same attitude here, only he probably got what he deserved by Sarah.

Not to mention that, even in a coincidence rich world like Terminator's, it's quite obvious that he asked to have Sarah in his structure based on their previous history. So, again, he wanted her for his agenda, not to cure nor help her.
That's a shitty doctor in my book, and I bet that Sarah broke his bones because he was driving her crazy.


I agree Heisenburg. He only saw her as an interesting case and didn't care about her as a person.


He was a jerk. He knew what had happened at the police station in 1984 and that she was telling the truth. She was crazy, but not the way everyone at the hospital thought.


✅....though he came around in 3, and explained it in a sorta humorous way....just a little sniveling bureaucrat....


He also did a terrible job diagnosing Sarah. Just consider the parts he knew for fact:

There was a man who was going thru the phone book killing women named Sarah Conner.
That man did attack her at a night club.
He also went to her house and killed her roommate and her roommates boyfriend.
Later we find out that her mother was also killed, presumably by the same man. So pretty much everyone she cared about is dead.
Then while in police custody, this man drove his car thru the entrance and killed 14 police officers while trying to find her.
And the only reason she survived this was because another crazy man who claimed to be from the future, kidnapped her, and impregnated her before being killed himself.

Obviously most reasonable people would not have believed that Arnold was a cyborg from the future and Kyle was sent back to protect Sarah and her unborn child. So just based on the things that are known, wouldn't he have said Sarah was suffering from extreme PTSD which has caused to lose any grip with reality and cause her to resort to violence.


Yes but from his perspective she was still a danger to society as she tried to blow up a computer company.


He was a bureaucrat-professional. They are very dangerous. They use their degrees/training to harm 'cases' as a coping mechanism.

Sarah is not crazy, Silberman is, which is why he is reacting to her. he is in denial what had happened. When he sees the terminator at the hospital again he cannot deny it.


Silberman isn't crazy, he's just indifferent. He just doesn't seem to care much about his patient (or patients), he's just the average petty self-absorbed advantage-siezing jerk, like 90% of humanity.

Such people aren't really evil, but yeah, put them in a position of power and they can do real harm. And Silberman was in a position of power over his patients at the hospital, but really, it's not clear that any other doctor would have done much better, as no doctor at any psychiatric hospital would take a patient's word about killer robots from the future. So IMHO the movie handled him about right, he was taken down but not killed.


That's right, even though the "robots from the future" thing is bullshit, everyone should accept that there's something very wrong with the "Sarah Connor Killer" of the first movie. There are a lot of other bystanders and witnesses, and even if a single doctor is powerless to unearth what is going on, it's a massively dick move to keep crapping on Sarah after all these years.

I wonder how Silberman's life turned out after he'd seen T1000 oozing through the bars (I'm refusing T3).


Yeah exactly. Some people are so in denial that you simply can't reason with them. Even though Sarah was a bit crazy at that point, I think that he should have known that some part of what she's saying has to have some truth to it. But no, he totally dismisses. I've seen people in denial and I simply can't believe how sometimes they give up on reason just to support their idea/stand by their opinion.


In the sequel TV series Sarah Connor Chronicles he meets her and hurts her revealing the whole experience with the T-1000 and the Terminator in the series made him go nuts and if I remember right he tries to kill her.


Wow, interesting....I kinda turned it off after rise of the machines, though I think I watched the McG flick, whatever that one was, at least once...


The McG one was Terminator Salvation. I wish it was done more similar to the future scenes in the first 2 Terminator movies.
