Overrated big time

...I'm surprised I haven't seen a post like this here yet, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. There's always some edgy contrarian out there who has to say some brilliant classic is actually lame. SIGH


Underrated I say




All you people have serious issues with reading, don't you? This thread has proven to be a great example of how the harebrained masses react to headlines, while not reading the subject matter - even if it's only 2 sentences worth.




You could have written the subject better instead of making it the first three words part of the first sentence. A subject of "Why are the so few posts saying this movie is overrated?" would have been better.

Having said that, I agree that your original post is basically making the observation "There are not as many posts that try to propose the idea of T2 being overrated" as you would have expected.

My question is what kind of responses do you want to get?

"Yes, I agree that I have not seen as many as I expected either." This would be an accurate but boring response.
"No, I disagree. I see many "T2 is overrated " posts", but I do not see them going through the effort of showing you all of those posts.

What people do post is their opinion on the subject of T2 because we want to express out thoughts. What they also do is see the subject, if it interests them they open up the thread. what they do not always do read every post but find one that they either agree with or, and this happens more often, they disagree with.


What responses was I expecting? Any response that isn't taking the title literally.

No, I wasn't going to change the title because some people are too dumb or lazy to read two sentences of the actual post. It's not my fault that people are headline-munching reactives, and I'm not catering to the lowest common denominator.

The provocative title and follow-through serves its purpose perfectly in highlighting the Mandatory Contrarian™ problem on this site, to those with at least a 10-second attention span.


I actually do think T2 is better than T1 is some ways. Sarah Connor is a much more interesting character in T2 because in the first one, Sarah was too perfect. She had no moral flaws to speak of and she was always the victim of a cruel world. This made her a little boring. Just a typical damsel in distress.


Wasn't that the point?
