MovieChat Forums > Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Discussion > For imdb users around in the 1990s...

For imdb users around in the 1990s...

I'm doing a little experiment. IMDb has let users vote on movies since its creation, at least as far as I'm aware. I want to see how the ratings change over time. So I'm just going to ask you a question. Are you ready?

What was the rating of Terminator 2: Judgement Day on IMDb when it first came out? Anyone remember?



Imdb didn't really exist in 1991. It was a usenet group, used by very limited number of people. Anyway, you'd need 40 or 50 thousand votes to have a meaningful comparison with the current rating.


Yup. back then on Usenet, IMDb was simply known as: rec.arts.movies
For that part of groups on Usenet, several sub groups was added, where people then could discuss various movies of the past and current ones.

But here is some fun reading of Terminator 2 reviews, which was posted in 1991 in the sub newsgroup
That can give people a little insight to what past "IMDb users" thought of it when the movie was brand new:
