MovieChat Forums > Switch (1991) Discussion > I don't know what appalled me more

I don't know what appalled me more

1) The take on theology (you can score points to get into heavan)

2) The blatant pro-life propagandizing

3) The fact that Steve/Amanda didn't actually find a woman who knew Steve and didn't hate him - the baby didn't know about its mother.

I'm quite a lovely person - apart from my terrible taste in pie.


Exactly. This movie was awful.

“It has to be official and it has to be urine.” ~ Dwight


I wouldnt call it awful.. just a bit weird.
but amusing really.


very poorly constructed


It's a friggin' Blake Edwards comedy - not a Bergman film. Jesus.


1) Yeah, like you can't have all your bad "points" erased. Oh sorry- sins forgiven.

2) That was maybe one minute of the movie where Steve/Amanda makes a decision based on a new perspective. Definetely not Planned Parenthood PSA.

3) It's called unconditional love. I hope someday you can experience it for yourself

4) Aren't you late for a book burning or something?

Like someone else eluded- it's just a Blake Edwards movie. Bad news; the panther's not pink. In fact there is no panther...


What was so bad about Steve/Amanda wanting to have the child? Is deciding to have kids pro-life propaganda? And if so, is a pro-life message really bad?


Has society sunk so low that a woman deciding to keep her child is the appalling thing?

Anonymity on the Net allows people to be their true, evil selves.



Amanda chose to keep the baby of her own free will. Not out of fear of going to hell. The message was no less pro-choice than it was pro-life.


How about the guy DATE RAPED her. .
