Bird of Prey

Yeah Valeris knew it was a Bird of Prey because she was part of the conspiracy and so she knew that it was a Bird of Prey that was cloaked. But why did Spock assume it was a Bird of Prey that was the cloaked ship? They aren't the only type of Klingon vessels that can cloak. Also if the the Feds and the Klingons were attempting to make peace, couldn't the cloaked ship also have been Romulan?(They were involved in the conspiracy and in universe the Romulans probably wouldn't want the Feds and the Klingons to have peace.)

It's a minor plot hole because it's just characters making leaps of logic, but it seems weird that Spock wouldn't mention the other possibilities.


I suppose that Spock could have guessed some Klingons would be against the peace efforts too, as were Admiral Cartwright and even Kirk at first. Whether that would make them more likely than Romulans to mount such an attack, is perhaps a more open question.


It's just a way of advancing the story. There's no real Star Trek reason for it.
