Sarek is an a hole. Hate vilcans

Lol the dumb douche

When his sons lame Katra was in pain he had Kirk risk his career to go save it

When Kirk and Bones get caught he makes absolutely NO effort to fight for their cause

I've never liked the character

He always came off as a selfish douche bag. But then again most Vulcans do



He's a Vulcan. Logic dictates his actions. And Vulcan's don't lie.

Atheists accuse me of being a brainwashed Christian; fundies accuse me of being an atheist!


Sarek made the only logical choice he could. One does not criticize logic.

Frankly, the whole Katra thing was a bit "illogical". What about that ship full of Vulcans that got ate by the giant amoeba? What happens in the JJverse where there IS no Vulcan? Instead of being free to explore higher dimensions of existence, Vulcan souls have to shoved back in their now rotting corpses?

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...


Biljlevine my old friend you're still alive


Sarek is a jerk.


Frankly, the whole Katra thing was a bit "illogical". What about that ship full of Vulcans that got ate by the giant amoeba? What happens in the JJverse where there IS no Vulcan? Instead of being free to explore higher dimensions of existence, Vulcan souls have to shoved back in their now rotting corpses?

Seeing that the katra being reinserted into the body via Fal Tor Pan, a ritual which "has not been done since ages past and then only legend", was NOT the intention of Sarek in Trek III to start with, I don't really understand what you are blathering about. Sarek only made the choice after having discovered that Spock still had a living body, and was even told that it was illogical by the priestess. Sarek acknowledged that his logic was uncertain regarding his son, and we can assume that is because Spock was half human.

As for a ship full of Vulcans dying, I guess their katras would be lost just like Sarek assumed about Spock before they discovered that McCoy had it. I am not sure what you deal is here.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Yes, I hate Vilcans as well. Vulcans, on the other hand, are awesome!

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.
