Ending on AMC
Am I the only one who remembers when this aired on AMC a few years ago, the end was played super fast? Everyone was walking 2x speed. Does anyone have a video of that? It was amusing as well as strange.
shareAm I the only one who remembers when this aired on AMC a few years ago, the end was played super fast? Everyone was walking 2x speed. Does anyone have a video of that? It was amusing as well as strange.
sharehehe, YES that channel is the worst.. they speed up the ending, although usually the credit sequence in order to add YET another commercial before the next film.
i agree- it's pretty hilarious. sadly I've no video of it..
They also censor the crap out of it as well.
sharemy opinion; movies like that are unwatchable censored. Either show everything and give proper disclaimers on it (and only play it late at night) or don't show it at all.
Although films like scarface or Big Lebowski are absolutely hilarious when censored.
"See what happens Larry, see what happens when you 'find a stranger in the alps'" lol
Agreed. I wont watch anything censored or with commercials.
shareYou are fortunate to have that option, (or you don't watch much of anything).
So many of my favorite film memories are from randomly seen movies on commercial TV.
Wouldn't have seen them otherwise.
I watch a TON of movies. Everything from Blockbusters to Indy to foreign films.
I will sometimes play a movie I have seen several times in the background while I am cleaning or something on Network TV but not to sit and watch it.
It breaks the intensity and you never know if it cut something out.
Okay but I thought you said you won't watch anything with commercials or censored.
Takes a concerted effort - in my world - to do this.
I wont sit and watch something uncensored or with commercials because it ruins the flow of the movie and you dont know if you missed something.
I will put a movie on I have seen many times to play in the background while I am in another part of the house, doing something else, like cooking or cleaning. But not a movie I have never seen, and I wont see and watch it like that.
If something I want to see goes to my local Cineplex I will usually go there. I also rent a few movie stations that play uncut ad free movies. The odd thing I want to see that isnt anywhere near mainstream I might search for online.