Disappointed in Buffalo Bill

After Clarisse fails to pull the trigger as Bill runs out the room, why did he not blow her head off after the second corner she turned? The gun was right on the stove and given how terrible her entries are, he had plenty of opportunities. Granted, seeing whatever the hell all that decomposed shit was in the tub was worth the wait, I'm not buying that this skilled serial killer choked under the pressure of killing a rookie.

Honestly, they both really disappointed me in their performances. Clarisse, in real life, would have gotten her and the victim killed with her recklessness.


The basement is soundproofed to a point in most likeliness. At least that's what I'd assume if he's holding victims down there and he doesn't care if they scream their heads off. Blasting away at an FBI agent (if he even is a better shot which is doubtful) in his kitchen isn't going to help his cause any. I will agree that there should have been some kind of confrontation in the basement aside from what we seen but Bill seems to like the advantage the goggles gave him so I guess making a b-line for those is within reason. Still a bit weak but I'm guessing a realistic confrontation between the two wouldn't had added to the suspense angle of the film.


Yeah but the soundproof wouldn't have made a ton of a difference with the door presumably left open. Plus, he knew he would have had to leave immediately after her death regardless of whether someone heard it or not. Maybe he wanted to grab one of his cute outfits first


Also, he wanted to have a bit of fun first.


He's a seasoned pro, this guy would not mistakes like those. Even when they're in the dark, he still hesitates even though she's at point blank range.

Also, I disagree with the premise that a realistic depiction would have been less suspenseful or thrilling. It would have been unexpected and shocking since that kind of thing doesn't happen in movies like that to protagonists. If he had unceremoniously and abruptly blown her brains out from point blank range with that large caliber gun when she turned the corner into the kitchen, it would have delivered a very sharp and poignant shock to the system and given even more dread and terror about the capabilities of Buffalo Bill. Instead, here, they made him behave in a way that wouldn't have allowed him to be so successful in the first place! They still could have proceded with the film following Lector and having him kill Buffalo Bill after escaping prison. Imagine how awesome that would have been!


The film was mainly about Starling. You can't go killing off the hero like that. It was faithful to the book also which leads to the follow up, Hannibal. An excellent read but a dud film.


Villains always get foolish and hesitant during the final showdown with the hero, they rant or toy with their pery, and never just take the easy shot the way a real killer would.

It's a Hollywood tradition!


It really drives me insane! Lazy ass writers - that's the real problem! Shows like 24 and The Wire didn't have this problem. What would have plausibly happened in a given situation happened. Sure, Jack Bauer is the real life Captain America, but he has some extreme emotional scars. They weren't afraid of showing dire consequences for all parties involved. I can't say a show has ever left me traumatized the way the last season of 24 ended(London). Showing real consequences allows for a more compelling story to be told which is the magic of the show to begin with since in no way possible can you have an inclination of what's to come 6-7hrs in advanced. Courage
