Funny differences of perspective...(SPOI LER ALERT!)
My atheist sister-in-law recommended this movie to me. I'm fairly agnostic (and I hate religious zealotry), and I watched it w/ my girlfriend who was raised Catholic (and isn't practicing, but still has that ingrained guilt from 12-years of Catholic school, and gets a bit miffed when I poke fun at the religious right.)
Anyhow, we watched the movie, and I thought it was an effective movie, but it left w/ the impression that this was Christian propaganda with a HORRIBLE message (i.e. if you think God's telling you to kill your child, you better do what He says; and, it doesn't what horrible things you do in life, you still go to Heaven if you feed God's ego.) My girlfriend thought I got it all wrong, and that this was analogous to the Bible's story of of Abraham being told to kill his son (that was Abraham, right?)
So, I'm totally pi55ed about this movie, thinking that some Christian extremist (anyone remember Susan Smith?!?) might see this movie and feel like those voices in his head must be from God, and maybe he'd better kill his kids or risk suffering eternal damnation. My girlfriend, on the other hand, thinks I'm just being intolerant of religion.
I later told my sister-in-law what I thought of the movie, and how it seemed to be offensive and dangerous right-wing propaganda, and she started laughing. She told me that the point of the movie was to show how dangerous religious extremism is, and that the director's not even Christian. When she said that, I guess I had a revelation (pun intended) of my own, and the whole thing suddenly made sense.
Anyhow, it makes me want to see it again from a different perspective...definitely worth watching.