i liked this movie
albeit her acting was unoriginally raw and seemingly forced i liked mimi roger's character. i mean, i guess i attached that whole "tragic-heroine" image to her. appealing to logic, heaven is arguably a fictional place. not even she could find place in this fairytale world for herself. she couldn't escape herself or her guilt. man is not without guilt and that's what makes us living seem almost unnatural. i guess she felt this way. and she went insane to boot. i like to look at this movie less seriously, i try not to take serious the religious overtones which is hard to do in this movie, i know. but i view it more as a kinda character-study...or a study into the nature of man. an attempt at a study, anyway. i saw this cause i used to be an x-phile, and i like being awake at odd hours seeing what's on tv...and i just finished watching it on fx. it gets kudos for being kinda macabre (though when i watch this movie stoned i can't help laughing) and for making me sketched out, the acting was bad and i think it the movie was misguided and bogged down in trying to deliver a message. as i aforementioned, i like to view this movie as a kinda character study. i coulda capitalized and milked that. the minues are...wtf was up with those horses...they were on a television screen? everytime anyone asked if anyone encountered god i'd get a shiver down my spine. yikes. i have to give this movie credit for being suspicious. i kept watching mainly because i swear to god i thought something horrible and grotesque and scary was gonna happen next...but nope, nothing. it suggested it though, i guess death and future thereafter is a creepy unknown.
hah i said "i swear to god"...
anyway. yea, they need to make a movie channel that plays dumb movies like this that no one really likes or has heard of like "my own private idaho"