MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > The Rapture was good because...

The Rapture was good because...

it shows how ridiculous and dangerous religion and the belief of mythical characters like Jesus Christ can be to yourself and others.

It's quite obvious (at least in my perspective) the christians portrayed in this movie were total psychos. Just like today, it hasn't changed.

The movie does a neat job with special effects showing the end of the world and the choices between hell or heaven. The movie also shows how insane this choice is, and that in reality there is no Heaven, no Hell, and no GOD.


Live your life the way you want it. With Love & Compassion.

You don't need a God to tell you these basic human functions.



People don't need religion, they need belief in Christ and faith alone in Him alone. And all of us human beings, whether or not they believe in Christ are sinners and totally depraved human beings who have no good in them at all,and who will make mistakes and fail. And the only wonderful hope that we have as sinners is a relationship with God through Christ and learning about Him in the Bible, which is His Word.


vilkit, you are right that religion is ridiculous and dangerous. Religion is an invention of satan (the god of this world) And what religion falsely teaches is that creatures/humans are basically good and can get to God and to Heaven on their own human power and ability which is absolutely not true!! All of us are sinners and totally depraved human beings who have no good in us at all and the only way to get to God or to spend eternity in Heaven is to believe in His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ and have faith alone in Him alone (Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord; Acts 16:31 Believe in The Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and paid the complete and total price for your sins, my sins and the whole world's sins. He was our substitutionary sacrifice and He paid the price and took the judgement for all of our sins, and He did this for us willingly! And He would have willingly suffered and died for you on the Cross, vilkit, even if you were the only person on this earth who needed to be saved.

Christianity is about a relationship with God through Christ, not a religion.

As for Christians being pychos, I will repeat again that you and me and all of us human beings, whether we believe in Christ or not, are sinners and totally depraved people who have no good in us at all. None.

This movie is a horrible movie because it does not even come close to portraying the truth about God and His free gift of salvation. If it did show the truth, then Sharon would have gone to Heaven in the end because of her belief in Christ earlier in her life and the Sheriff would have gone to Hell(called the lake of fire in the Bible) because he did not believe in Christ during his lifetime on earth. And yes, Heaven and Hell are very real (Revelation 19:1-2 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and satan and bound him for a thousand years; Revelation 20:10, 14-14 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are also and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever; 14 Then death and hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15 and if anyone's name is not found in the book of life, he was thrown in the lake of fire).

As for living your life the way you want it - love and compassion - There is absolutely no way that you can truly do that on your own human power (which is completely useless and worthless), without Christ. God is the true author of love and compassion through His Word/The Bible/Mind of Christ because He is Love and Compassion, and the only way you can learn the true meaning of those words and how to actually live a life of love and compassion is through Christ and learning about Him and what He has done for you in the Bible, which is also called Word of God/Mind of Christ.

It is totally your choice and your choice alone whether or not you will spend eternity in Heaven with Christ and God the Father or everlasting life in Hell/lake of fire with satan.

Phi 2:10 so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth

My prayers are with you.



It sounds like you watched a different movie than me. This movie does NOT take the "predictable" route of debating between whether God exists or not. Instead, it takes God's existance as a given. There is no doubt by the end of the film that the Christian God exists, as the rapture has occurred and the four horsemen of the apocolypse have arrived. The conflict is whether this God deserves our unquestionable love. The main character took a radical stand and said "no."




just wanted to point out to the original poster that it is an undisputable historical fact that a man named Jesus did exist and was crucified at the time given in the bible. it is the claim that he is God that is disputable


I agree that the Rapture is a good movie.

Now, here's the real zinger. I'm a Christian.

Not all of us believe in Millennial Dispensationalism, ie, the end of the world as literally depicted in Revelations. Not all of us are nutjobs like Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins, and the wackos in this movie.

Some (hey, MOST) of us acknowledge science, and have no problem with Darwin's theories of evolution. Why? Because they're backed up by 150 years of heavily scrutinized and vetted research. We care deeply about the stewardship of the earth, about truly helping the less fortunate, and about creating a just society for everyone, regardless of what they believe.

While we try to live a certain way, and follow the specific rules of our religion, we are tolerant, kind and compassionate. We have gay, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist friends.

Most of us believe that God is reflected in every person, and try to behave towards everyone in a manner consistent with this idea. Like everyone else, we often fall seriously short of doing this right.

Whether or not there really is a God, is of course, nothing that can be proven until each of us dies.

The truth is, no matter what each of us KNOW IN OUR HEARTS to be the truth about this, there's no real way to really know in any impirical way until it does or doesn't happen.

That being said, I think The Rapture succeeds in portraying a person who can only embrace extremes. She leads an extremely libertine lifestyle, and hungers for something deeper. She becomes an extreme born-again Christian, and still finds herself, in the end, light-years away from having any of her questions answered, or deepest thirsts quenched in any kind of meaningful way.

Coincidentally, she never takes any responsibility for her life, pre-or-post-conversion. In the end, she's still the same irresponsible, self-centered, shallow woman she's always been.

We meet people like this every single day. All of us ARE these people, to one degree or another.

One thing I especially like about the film, is that it portrays her beliefs on her own terms. The Rapture is real, it comes, and she is not among those "taken up". This is a cause of great confusion and anguish for her. She did everything right, didn't she? Why is she still here?

If it turns out the Dispensationalists are correct about the Rapture, I think it entirely possible a lot of them are going to be standing aroung watching other people (and perhaps people they're CONVINCED ARE GOING TO HELL) get "taken up", wondering why they're not included.

I think one of the very powerful themes in the movie is that there are two very different kinds of religious certainty.

One is the kind where your beliefs allow you to reflect meaningfully on the fundamental questions of existence. The other kind is the kind where you perceive reflection as fundamentally unnecessary because you have all the answers to everything for all time.

One kind of certainty keeps you thinking. You know in your heart certain things to be true. Your certainty of these things compells you to ask, "what are the implications of this, in terms of my personal relationship to God and the world around me?"

The other kind of certainty keeps you from thinking. You know in your heart that you have all the answers. They were given to you by God, and if you adhere to them, there is no way you could possibly do anything wrong, because you are following His instructions to the letter. Furthermore, the consequences of your actions on creation and other people, no matter how violent or destructive, are negligable because you simply following God's instructions.

Matt Channing
Oscar quality film music at bargain basement prices.
