simplistic and dumb

This movie has to be the stupidist ever made. Its simplistic, does not represent the Christian religion or points of view. However, that being said, it does show how zealotry and blind belief 'I am saved' can be harmful. Being 'saved' is not a conversion, its a life long lifestyle. Why these actors would participate in this movie can only mean they needed income. Perhaps they believed the message. But if you have the chance to watch it, dont. Go shopping, fix a pizza, take the dog for a walk, anything....


The zealotry is the point of the film. I don’t think Tolkin ever intended 'The Rapture' to be a Chrisian film or even necessarily a religious film.

The Rapture is about arrogance: how an inflated self of importance is a direct cause of any kind of apocalypse. Our most serious problems - environmental, racial or social - are directly related to arrogance. So, just as the woman had no sense of humility, we, too, see ourselves as very important people when we are not (I realize that the tone of this post contradicts my subject, but I don't see a way around it on message boards, so note it's just my opinion – well, at least my grammar ain’t to bad).

Anyway, I hope this post doesn’t seem too aggressive. I needed to rebut because ‘The Raputre’ shouldn’t be hated becasue it doesn't conform to Christian expectations (or for its production limitations). Anyway, it deserves better than a 6.7.



I find your post to be most intriguing and accurate. I also agree that the film deserves better than 6.7.
