MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > This movie scared the hell out of me.

This movie scared the hell out of me.

One of the few movies to actually disturb me. I have a fairly high tolerence for "heavy" themes, but a couple of scenes in this film freaked me out. It Maybe the catholic upbringing, but films that actually deal with the "biblical" end of the world keep me awake. Still bothers me.


Great movies, disturbs a lot of people! Some of the plot is convoluted but does address the BIG questions nobody likes to bring up! Stayed with me quite a while - wish more poeple saw it or admit to it!


Deeply religious people always frighten me. I mean, some people are capable of carrying out some pretty terrible things in the name of their religion. I once heard a professor refer to religion as "an acceptable cult".

Yes, this was a very good film, but also very, very scary.

"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmer



I watched this movie when I was deeply religious, and now from the perspective of someone who is not religious at all...

...either way this movie freaks me out!

I can shuffle cut and deal but I can't draw a hand


I'm spiritual but not totally alligned with any one religion, and it freaks me out as well! It just goes to show you don't need loads of CGI to be effective and get the point across, and in fact I think it's much more powerful without it! Really an incredible film, and one I have watched many, many times.....It says a lot more than most big-budget films ever do!


I loved this movie and keep a copy on tape. Love to see the dvd and see if there's any commentaries or featurettes. The pacing and the tone of the film really sold me on it. I like the fact that the music was really low-key and almost ambient. And none of the performances were over the top.


The DVD of this movie contains commentary from Tolkien, Duchovny, and Rogers.


This is hands down one of the weirdest and trippiest movies ever made. Not only did it kind of scare me, but for all the wrong reasons. A conservative Christian coule be watching this movie and think in the beginning, "Wow! what a great testament to faith in Jesus Christ!" As they go on and the story unfolds, they might begin to realize that conservative Christian super-religious types (like them), are really just insane! I have met people like her and lived among them and they are all crazy. Not all Christians, but super-religious end of the world type like Mimi's character are insane.


what do you mean by end of the world type?

don't blame God for the bad things in life,thank Him for the good things.God Bless


I cannot speak for the above poster, but "end of the world" type might be applied to those that see biblical prophecy as literal. As in actual "horseman" and actual "horns". Those that don't see the poetry and the allegory of the bible and accept it as fact. The "end of the world" will not be a literal "left behind" type event. The biblical "end of the world" prophecies were refering to the roman empire, and cannot be applied to modern times as they are. I'm not trying to start a fight over theology and/or someones faith. Believe what ever you want. and remember people the meaning of life is 42. So we already have the answer.


Ive seen this film off and on since it came out. Its really a deep critique of modern christianity. It doesnt attempt to undermine basic concepts like belief in god or an afterlife. But some of the more common interpretations which are so blatantly full of inconsistencies and contradictions. The ending is just a shocker but it also shows that someone who believes in a god who pushes people to do evil are themselves simply insane, deluded and maybe even dishonest. Mimi's is the most honest character in the film at the end. I myself couldnt believe in a god like that no matter what lightshow I could be presented with. I believe in a moral, just god. Not one who simply showcases himself like one. Heck if something remotely like the modern interpretation of the 'rapture' occured Id have to suspect Lucifer being behind it for a long long time beforehand.


I saw this movie many years ago and I still think about it from time to time. should probably buy the DVD.


>what do you mean by end of the world type?

I have a quiet fear of these "end of world" types, regardless of faith. If they think its such a good thing, perhaps they might precipitate it somehow.
Imagine one of "them" finding themselves with a nuclear weapon. He or she would ask themself, "How can I best use this to bring about the end of the world?"

Its an expression of my individuality, & my belief in personal freedom.


I just the saw the movie for the first time last night. It was on TV. The movie didn't really bother me, though. I pretty much laughed through the whole thing. The main character throughout the movie didn't even act very serious. The movie made a great bedtime story though. Yeah, since I'm an atheist.


I'm a very liberal Christian, and found this film very disturbing. You could write several essays on it and it's themes and implications. I showed it to an atheist friend of mine, and he refuses to talk about it for some reason.

Most disturbing scene: Mimi Rogers confronts her co-workers about they're faith. She says Buhddists, Muslims and Jews get along fine without Jesus Christ, and one of them says in the midst of a chuckle: 'But they're not saved.'


Oh, that doesn't matter. I believe that life is just a challenge, or a test of unconditional love that we must go through in order to prove that we are educated beings. And once we pass the test, we move on. Or have another life. But eventually, we will all find spiritual truth. There isn't one BIG truth though. So what is there to be saved from? I wouldn't worry about it. Life is supposed to be fun. Not an empty wasteland of rules. But still, the Rapture was an okay movie. Just a little strange.



i live in israel, i'm a jew and i serve in the army (idf).

this comment is not givven in the purpose of preaching to jewdahism.

i'm not religious, but i believe in god. the strange effect the movie made was making me understand how evil people can make evil things in the name of god, and i mean all religiouns, including the jews.

when i was watching the movie i had a great earge of praying to god,
when i here that people are killing for the name of god thats makes me sick,

in jewdahism, you cant go to heaven if you killed yourself, the people who commit suiside are punished for eternity in the worst place in hell (kaf ha sela in hebrew), but there are situations when you have to kill yourself and not commit one of the 3 next crimes:

1) commit a sexual act with one of your family (it means with your children)

2) to offend god in a teribble way

3) to murder someone innocent .

what i mean to say is that you cant kill no one in the name of god, you better kill yourself.

"god doesnt make the bad thing not happen but he gives us the strength to deal with those things",
jesus christ


Dude, this film simply exposes the problems with fundamentalism and true believer rationality.

In other words: the true believer will keep on believing regardless of proof to the contrary (being in the desert for weeks). And if said person reaches the point where sustaining the belief is no longer possible, she will demand some proof that she is right (sacrificing her daughter), of course, disguised as "God is testing my faith, and has one final test, like with Abraham".

What really motivates this is the NEED to prove to hersehf she hasn't wasted her faith and energy on bull sh*t. Because to realize and ACCEPT that would be even more devastating than any hardship she's endured.

And then when no proof comes forth, her inner world implodes. She simply cannot escape the fact that she indeed WASTED everything on bull sh*t anymore.

And all that is left is an undying hatred. Nothing hurts more than discovering one been fooled into having REAL faith on something worthless. And especially is one fooled himself.

But since she cannot bring herself to accept that SHE deluded herself and SHE is responsible for everything, she turns her rage at God.

And since being fooled like that hurt more than anything, one reasons that ANYTHING else is preferable to risk being foold like that again.

Thus her stubborness at rejecting God, even at the cost of her eternal soul.

That's the logic behind evil people that simply cannot bring themselves to repent. Because to accept their fault hurts more than being damned.

At least they think so.

That's why her rejecting God is ABSOLUTELY logical to me.


hi man

what you explained very nicely is execly what i said earlier:

"evil people do evil things in the name of god", you are saying that at first

they love god and are willing to do anything in his name, even things that he doesnt want to be done, and after they commited the crime they say god is gulty, but no matter what makes them hurt other people, god's love or a hatred to god they steel blame him for good and for bad.

"god is the perfect victim"- william shekspear

by the way that was a nice comment man.


Thanks man!

Your is too, only I would say instead "in the name of THEIR god". I explain why below the next quotation.

It's just that with fundamentalism creeping out from the woodwork all over (Middle East, right here, name the place), there's plenty of experience to draw on.

I wish this film, and Frailty too, were requised material for every grade schooler in the country.

"they love god and are willing to do anything in his name, even things that he doesnt want to be done, and after they commited the crime they say god is gulty, but no matter what makes them hurt other people, god's love or a hatred to god they steel blame him for good and for bad"

That's EXACTLY what idolatry is all about. Because such people worship THEIR idea of God, not God really. And that's why they dare to justify their misdeeds in God's name.

Then again, eventually ALL those idols of ours crash against reality. That's when people start blaming God in the first place, when they should own up to the fact that they had the wrong idea about God in the first place (of course, if your parents taught you such fake image, you're much less one responsible, but most of the time each person rationalizes his own image of God accordingly to what WE want to be right and just).

It's way easier than accept we had the wrong expectations.

At least that's what was going on with me every time I blamed God for whatever reason (can't find my car keys, relative died ugly death, etc). It just takes time to realize it (I'm no psychiatrist or anything like that).

That's why I know for a fact that when one realizes he's been self deluded to such an extent, hurts like nothing else and at that point at least, would rather be damned than risk putting oneself in that position again.

Makes it worse if you pile on blaming God for that.


I also found this film rather unsettling, based largely on my experience and partial mentoring from similar ilk as those fanatics portrayed in this film. I'm a spiritual sort and many of the issues this film tackles hit home, particularly the struggle between faith and doubt, neither of which can ever be completely vanquished from the human mind (I hope, at least).

"Most disturbing scene: Mimi Rogers confronts her co-workers about they're faith. She says Buhddists, Muslims and Jews get along fine without Jesus Christ, and one of them says in the midst of a chuckle: 'But they're not saved.'"

This scene was one of my favorites, illustrating one of the core aspects of Christianity post-European-colonization: it is a faith of guilt and vengeance, cleverly masked. So many Christians I know express delight in their belief that the non-believers face eternal torment, it is their childish emotional absolution for being unable to prove themselves right or match wits with intellectuals (*sob* "Oh, they'll be sorry some day.")

This is a great film for anyone who knows anything about Christianity but its message is not so limited in scope; the ultimate metaphysical and ethical questions raised by this film are universal in their applicability. Viewing this film is a valuable experience for any appreciator of fine cinema or philosophical inquiry.


I agree with you! I also laughed through a lot of the movie, but couldn't tell if I was supposed to find it humorous or not.... A lot of it seemed like a spoof on born-again philosophy and the crazy ways people behave once they become "saved". I used to be a believer, but have since converted to a normal person. I shudder at the thought of ever behaving like Mimi Rogers did!


Good for you. Well said.


I can understand why the movie scared you and would scare others too as it does not portray the truth about the rapture, the end times (that we are in now), or the truth about being a believer in Christ. Not even close!!!! My pastor taught on this subject last week in a series called, God's Grace and Mercy Found In The Prophesies Of The End Times.

The truth is that Jesus is 100% man and 100% God and that He is the One who died for all of the sins of everyone in the world, past, present and future, whether they believed in Him or not. This is the free gift of salvation that He offers to everyone and the great news is that once you are a believer, even if it is just for a second, you are saved forever, no matter what!!! You can never lose your salvation ever!! There is not one verse in the Bible that says we can ever do anything to lose our salvation once we have been saved. It is only faith alone in Christ alone that saves,NOT religion or being religious or moral. Faith alone in Christ alone, period! Religion is the enemy's invention to distract us from the only One who can save us, Christ. Also, whether or not, you are a believer, the only thing that we are judged for, whether we are believers or not is our deeds, NOT our sins. Our sins were paid for once and for all on the cross where Jesus took all of the judgement that we should take for our sins and paid for all of them IN FULL!!! Jesus not only died physically for us and suffered more than any human ever did or ever will again, but He also was spiritually separated from His Father (God the Father, His Father) for three hours while He willingly of His Own free will, took the judgement for all of our sins - every last one of them! And He would have done that even if there was only one human on earth who needed salvation. That is how much He loves us and how much God loves us as He gave us the very best that Heaven had to offer, His Son, Jesus Christ. It is such an incredible gift that He freely offers to everyone!



This says something, about this postmodern era about how the most extreme case "found" by the mass media is considered to be the majority of all possibilities and existences:

"conservative Christian super-religious types (like them), are really just insane! I have met people like her and lived among them and they are all crazy."

Of course, anyone's query would be, how did you find yourself living among these strange and RARE creatures? I am not, of course actually wanting an answer.

The other obvious and pertinently current issue, is the all too well known, yet strangely supported and excused : ISLAMIC FANTACISM !

I do quite understand that it is essentially and liberally popular to claim that Pat Roberts who calls for a foreign (enemy)leaders head is the insane ranting psycho of the religious right, but when the Hollywooder Ben Afleck on Bill Maher's new show calls for the hanging or shooting of President Bush, his fellow American, it is clear cut and cogent and correct and simply repsonsible and true, and indeed not fanatic at all.

Same for Jerry Falwell, whom, God forbid, might actually think a purple teletubby is spreading the gay doctrine to children, and might actually say so on TV. For this immense offense, he is of course the occult leader of the terrible and vaunted Armageddon he so obviously just disclosed he is rampantly attending to bringing on. I know, it's laughable, but many indeed, a large percentage of those commenting on this matter anywhere, hold such a position, and expect to be taken seriously.

Al Franken, another Second City Player master of the mirrored image, jokingly declares execution of the Administration is coming for accusatory unproven crimes committed. One is supposed to applaud and gently return to slumber upon this renouncement, never attributing any sort of vague satanic thrift to it, written or unwritten in any volume.

But, then, suddenly when it comes to assessing the ranting, raving, reincarnation of the Saladin of the Middle East, a figure claiming personal Biblical and Koranic proportion, annointed from Allah, and here to deliver the End Times by the complete destruction of millions of people in Israel, a few million of his own brothers and sisters in Mohammed, Ahmenijihad of Iran is brushed away as an irritated man righteously angry at the Jesus is the best philosopher GWB.

Does anyone else notice, this massively insane disconnect ?

Has anyone else in this forum noticed at all, that there are 30+ Islamic inspired low level and large level wars going on about the world at this very time, all with the stated purspose of absolute and total submission to Allah and Mohammed his , warring, caravan thieving, cou de ta capable and proven, prophet ?

I suggest those that watch this film keep deeply within their minds the now and should be ever present knowledge, that although Bible thumpers portrayed here might be scarey indeed, their ACTUAL ISLAMIC EQUIVALENTS are literally HELLBENT on consuming their lives and others about them that do not bow on knee and pay tribute(yes, you must actually pay them money for being an infidel) to their total domination and subjugation of the entire planet, their STATED PURPOSE, and, since not many seem to have noticed, they are not doing too bad in accomplishing feats toward their stated goal!

note: WTC93, WTC01, Cole, Bali, Spain, A embassies, Britain, and many dozens of others...

Conquests of recent note: 2/3rds of ALL OF AFRICA- Fanatic Islamic government majorities - from 1956- present when France and Britian released their colonies, encapsulating the slaughter of millions upon millions of animists and christains, mostly with crude weaponry and millions by the blade.

the entire 17,000 Island chain of Indonesia, a large portion of the Phillipines, Checz Russians fight now - China provinces where marshall law has been recently instituted for outbreaks of IslamISM. The burning Streetz of FRANCE, The dead Van Gogh grandson, Islamic tenet knive stabbed to the chest after the kill, German streets and inner city hulls Hamberg, most all of the entire middle east, much of bordering Europe, the list is near endless....and whom knows how many communities still in the USA, and it's prison system as we have heard, Brazilian areas, south america replete with Osama vacation fliers to attract Islamic fans...

In other words, how scarey was this movie to me ?

Imminently so !

But not for the "standard", and frankly "unthinking" respondencies that are sure to be the thoroughfare of populist sentiments here via forced habit, or even actual experience claimed, and sadly but absolutely without error, quite misplaced if one is a living breathing person on this floating Orb, all too connected to the "outside world" in this modern era !

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share, I'm quite sure this will raise the hairs on the neck of those whom will appreciate the notion of learning from finely crafted movies, becoming aware by application to the general state of the actual world at large, even if it re-applies the standard labelled movie theme from one "group" to another with all too similar (and active) qualities.

Touche !


Why does the *beep* above me think that those who oppose christian fanatics, and can recognize their insanity condone fanaticism from other religions?
Everything they do is so dramatic and flamboyant. It just makes me want to set myself on fire.


Because it sadly is often true.





Some of us swear by silk. My brother's a gingham kinda guy....

Matt Channing
Oscar quality film music at bargain basement prices.


My husband and I happened to see this movie on TV late at night...we ended up staying up until 4:30 in the morning watching it (didn't make it to the end tho) and it's been a long time since I've flipped to a movie that's already begun and not being able to turn it off. I was raised Catholic and my husband is from a Muslim family, but we were both fixated by the story...I don't think it's about Christianity as much as it is about pride and the conviction some people get that they are right and their faith = literal facts. I had to finally go to bed right after the scene where Sharon sees her daughter and the angels when she is in jail...but for some reason this really freaked me out. I agree the movie was super creepy in a very subtle, psychological way. Movies like this, and of course the Exorcist, still mess with me, due to the Catholic upbringing I guess. Even though I'm not Christian anymore, there's some part of me deep inside that's still terrified of Satan and Judgement Day. I also find the way seemingly normal people around her encourage her to do wacky things.
I love a movie that scares you without monsters or CGI or things jumping out!


The whole thing about the Rapture and Judgment Day is extremly scary. I'm not sure if I believe in any of it but imagining what it would be like freaks me out. I think of this movie, I look at artists' renditions of the Rapture, I read quotes from the Bible. It sends chills down my spine. The Antichrist, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, all of that stuff. Someone should make a kick-ass movie that portrays all of those things. We'll have to accept the heavy use of CGI, I guess. Another movie that stays in my memory is The Seventh Sign with Demi Moore. Then there's the Omen (just the original version). All good stuff.

"As you wish."


I believe in God with all of my heart but I refuse to believe that there is a judgement day or a rapture. I do not believe that God is a judge like those people Sharon was praying with. I think of God as three things; a Parent, a Teacher but most of all, a Writer. Yes I believe that God is a writer and everything that happens in life is part of one of His stories with it's own happy ending. When God is a Parent it is like those dramatic scenes you see with a parent and their anger shouting teenagers, you know. At least sometimes then there are they parent and teen relationships were they communicate quite well.

Oh one more thing; that kind of religion is so depressing, they make Satanics look entertaining. All this *beep* talk of judgement day and save your soul before the end of the world, it is just so terrifying and God is not to be for fear. What about cherishing life with both the good and the bad. That is my relgion, come and join or not if you want.


Gosh... You sir (red Rackham 77) are a confused man. Its not about what you believe God is my dear... but what your religion believes. I see a confused person here... if you doubt the judgement day or rapture, then you are more less not a christian. Read this passage if you are having problems believing in Rapture... Lol (1 Thessalonians Chapter 4, Verses 16-17)

So dont try to avoid it. You better start praying a lot now or you will end up having your head sliced up and burnt just because you didnt believe in God. Haha (BTW, i am being Sarcastic). This is just silly... i mean, alot of christians dont believe this... but yet it is written in the bible. The fact is, most christians today... dont believe everything written in the bible or else.... Gay People will be exterminated.

Anyways... Keep waiting for the end time people... it will come... and those in heaven will be laughing and you will be crying (Lol... i will love to see your face when you burn in hell for disbelieving in god). So why exactly will the writers of the bible make such claims about the rapture? Well its obvious... this is just similar to hell and heaven. Well, the beginning of hell and heaven. God has written my name down on the book of death lol... and you know what... i dont care. Cos you know what this is... lies and a way to force you into believing in false Gods. It has been done before with idol God's... and so its no surprise its been written in the bible.

Leviticus 18:22... Death to all Gay People!!!


One I am not a man, I am a woman you idiot! Two, I am not a christian or a catholic or worst a jehovah either (thank you God!) And three, if you pray to a God that hates gay people then you are worshiping satan. Well luckly Big Daddy always reminds me to leave zealots like you in God's hands.


Listen and compare this two

Man and woman all have something in common right? Man... so i wasnt wrong there. Secondly, who gave you that idea of god? Did you make those up or did someone tell you this is what God is about? Oh and finally... i would like to know more about this God of yours, maybe i will find some interesting holes that proves him otherwise.

Anyways... the bases of my previous post was one of sarcasm and had it been you were a christian, it would have worked so well on you. We are all looking for something (a wise man ones told me). That thing i am afraid red rackham, can never be found.

Leviticus 18:22... Death to all Gay People!!!


Do you really wanna know my God? If you really wanna know read my post that is titled; 'My relationship with God' and then you will see how being a free spirit has only boundaries that are TRULY considered. Such as killing people, BAD, molesting and raping people both children and adult BIG time Bad, beating your spouses or partners and childrens, you will pay for that etc you know the whole thing. Read for yourself and for the record; free spirits do not nor ever convert others to our beliefs, it is your choices to believe or not.
