In the Rapture - the acting was terrible. Particularly Mimi Rogers. You could practically see her think about what face she needed before she put it on. The empty smiling gaze she had when she asked if people have been saved while on the mark, didn't do it for me either. What does this movie claim religion/Christianity is about? The afterlife and judgement(and human misjudgement). The creed of simply accepting something that can't be proven. Well look at the consumerism in a America - we're already suckers for buying crap that can't prove to change and better our lives - and we'll just keep buying. This film reminded me of the pity I have for people who ask if someone has been saved by J.C.. According to the bible - didn't he give up the world so that everyone could enter heaven not just the people who ask others if they've been saved? Why is it a central question for some religous sects? You can answer yes - and "belong", or no and you are screwed? Religion preaches that God creates and Jesus saves. 2 entities I have never met have an extraodinary amount of power. A spiritual person when they meet you asks how are you doing, are you happy, what are your ideas and dreams, and cares. Someone who approaches you to figure out if you are damned to hell, doesn't particularly strike me as a spiritual person. Duchoveny's character was great until 6 years passed. They never explained his conversion, except through association with Sharon. That is a film I'd like to see, a reasonably happy and intelligent person giving their life over to God or religion, especially a zealous and fanatical apocolyptic view of religion. Sorry for the ramblings, good enough movie to make me ? a lot of things, hopefully I made some sense.
What does this movie claim religion/Christianity is about? The afterlife and judgement(and human misjudgement). The creed of simply accepting something that can't be proven.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Accepting something that can't be proven + hypocrisy = Christianity
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So if "a" is somewhat undefined as presented, another expression of it would be, atleast mathematically, what you have left over when you remove hypocrisy from being a christian. (a = c - b). It is with such proofs that you can establish scientifically that Los Angeles exists even if you have never been there. The correct map will guide you there unerringly.
i like the way that was put. preach on, brotha. To the others, YOU may not be able to prove it, but that is why its called "Faith" and in the end those who have it will be saved and those who don't will face an everlasting Hell. Evagilists asks those questions because God said thats what believers are to do and also because many of them care. Yeah some christans are hyprocritical and that is why they are human beings and not up in heaven as of yet because God still needs to correct them. We are not perfect and that is why Jesus (the only perfect man) was sent for us so that we may become one with God again. I hope i have helped to touch someone's life in a special way because I do care.
It is good that you care deyonce20. I care too, very much so. Yes, faith is very important. However, it is believing in Christ and having faith alone in Him alone that saves and that is the true beginning of faith for someone that God gives to someone. It is impossible to have faith on our own human power - just impossible! The only way that someone could increase their faith in God after they are saved, is to learn Bible doctrine from thier pastor teacher who teaches the Bible by going into the historical context of a verse(s), comparing scripture to scripture and then going back to the original languages to get the true and a correct meaning of verse(s). Also, being filled with the Holy Spirit is important because He is the mentor and teacher of Bible doctrine through the pastor. The way to make sure that you are filled with the Holy Spirit is to confess your sins without any guilt as God does not want your guilt (1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteouness). Learning Bible doctrine is the Only way to learn about God and The Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Only way to learn how much God loves you and gave up for you to save you from your sins and how much Christ loves you and how He suffered, took the wrath for your sins and died on the cross to save you and all of mankind from their sins. Learning and applying Bible doctrine is the Only way to walk and grow as a believer in Christ and to live the life that Christ wants us to live, which is far better than any life we could possibly live on our own.
And the reason why God leaves us on earth after we are saved is for one purpose and for one purpose only - to glorify Him! And we learn how to glorify Him through Christ by learning and applying Bible doctrine in our lives. However, if a believer chooses to not learn about God or chooses not to glorify God, they will still be saved, no matter what because a beliver can never ever lose their salvation. All believers have eternal security with God that is better and far more secure than any security on earth.
We are all sinners and depraved human beings who continue to fail and make mistakes, and we will all continue to be sinners even after we are saved. However, if a believer in Christ chooses to learn Bible doctrine, he/she will learn how God wants us to deal with our sins which again is 1 John 1:9, confessing our sins without guilt to God the Father to get back into fellowship with Him and be filled by the Holy Spirit.
It isn't whether or not someone can prove faith to you. It is Only the truth in the Bible/Word of God that matters.
*sigh* *SIGH* religious people and their cop-out answers. Faith is not needing proof. and God works in mysterious ways. Go ahead and spend your life being afraid of something that doesnt exist. I'll enjoy my life thank you very much.
This movie does not even come close to showing the truth about what Chritianity is about! Religion can't save because religion falsely teaches that humans are good and can get to God and Heaven on their own human power,which is nothing more than a lie created by satan to deceive people. satan invented religion to keep people from being saved by simply believing and having faith alone in Christ alone (Acts 16:31 Believe in the Lord Jesus ?Christ and be saved). Or if people are saved, satan wants to keep them from having fellowship with God the Father, through His Son, so that they won't grow as a beliver in Christ and receive the amazing and wonderful blessings that God has for that person.
This is a dark horrible movie that does not portray the truth about God and His Lovingkindess, His Absolute Fairnes, or His Justice.or His free gift of salvation that He offers through His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ.
If this movie would have portrayed the truth about God, then Sharon as a believer in Christ would have been let into Heaven and the Sheriff, who was never a believer in Christ, would have been put in the lake of fire, which is hell or eternal separation from God. And yes, the Rapture is very, very real, just like Heaven and earth are real and Only way to get to Heaven is real - faith alone in Christ alone. And the choice to believe in Christ or not to believe in Him is a decision that must be made on earth; it is absolutely not a decision that anyone will get to make after they die.
And the truth about God and my precious Lord and Savior, and our purpose here on earth, can be found in the Bible,which is also called the Word Of God/Mind of Christ.
As for hyprocrisy, yes, unfortuntely, it is true that some Christians are hyprocritical. However, it is also true that all of us are depraved sinners who have absolutely no good in us at all (except The Trinity - God the Father,His Son,Jesus Christ, and God, The Holy Spirit,Who resides in all believers of Christ).So all of us, whether we are a believer or not have been hyprocritical at one time in our lives or another. For anyone to say that they haven't been hyprocritical would not be both very arrogant and just not true.
The true equation for Christianity = having a relationship with God through Christ + through learning about both God and Christ and the purpose of why we are here one earth by learning Bible doctrine.
Would you STFU? This is an internet message board about a movie. Go to a friggin church and stop trying to convert everyone. Good lord, religious crazies are annoying.
Poor Grace333. Think about this. How would you feel if you had to take responsibility for all your own actions? What if there was no unseen power in charge of you? How would you deal with the realization of the fact that you mistreat people in order to continue to reinforce the belief that something else is in charge of you? What if you are simply mistreating others that do not believe as you do for no good reason other than to satisfy yourself? Who are the evil people here really, Grace333?
The Rapture is great-it shows the black and white mindset of the "converted" from their perspective. All who are not saved are corrupt, have no moral center and are deeply empty and unhappy. This unfortunately, is not the case in the real world. In order for the "converted" to believe this, they have to shut their minds down and not see what is really in front of them. That's why when you try to talk to one of them, there are illogical, circular arguments. They aren't trying to convince you, they are trying to re-convince themselves by drowning you out. It's a sad case of mind control.
Usually people that don't get the faith part of God (that is the real God of Christianity) are the same folks that will immediately believe in aliens from other planets and speak of Roswell as absolute truth, etc. Amazing.
I could not have said it better myself - listening to this person rant about how her exclusive "brand" of religion is the ONLY truth is nauseating, and the only thing that is more nauseating is when people like her say "we really care". Believe me I am SURE everyone who has read even a small portion of this message board is excruiating aware of how you feel about the movie, I am just so "darn" sick of hearing about it and how you keep CONSTANTLY repeating yourself. Give us a break, please. Perhaps you should consider starting your own blog or website, and there you could go on, and on as you please. thanks in advance-
Dont you think your little math problem is a bit overgeneralized? You don't necessarily have to be a Christian to be hypocrite.
And not all of us are cut from the same cloth as the sect portrayed in the movie. Those people scare the hell out of most of us. Especially the ones running the government right now.
This is not the place for me to justify my faith. It would take too much space, and while on IMDB, I'd rather talk about movies.
I think the Rapture is a good one, precisely because it asks the most strident among us to examine our religious certainty, and our blind adherence to whatever dogma we might follow.
I had a pastor who once mentioned that his favorite desciple was Thomas, the doubter, because he was the honest one. Thomas was certain of certain things, but cared enough about what really was true, that he could not just blindly accept assertions of Jesus' divinity. He needed to see Jesus' hands, feet and side. It is no great sin to want a little evidence to bolster one's faith. It is, in fact, an very understandable and healthy human need.
I think that's what the movie is about at its core--the danger of embracing anything to the point of complete intellectual disconnect.
Most Christians do not view Revelations as a literal account of the End Times. Most of us know it is a metaphor for what was happening in the world at the time it was written. Most of us know it was John's symbolic vision of 1st century Christianity versus the Roman Empire. If one applies the imagery to history, it could be said that what is in Revelation has already come to pass.
Are there lessons to be learned from reading it? I'd think so, but I don't necessarily think they're the literal-minded, shallow ones guys like Tim LaHaye want you to learn.
Matt Channing Oscar quality film music at bargain basement prices.
The "man" Jesus CAN be proven. He is written about, not just in the Bible, but by historians who lived at that time, including Josephus who was Jewish but did not believe he was who He said He was, the Son of God.
When studying what Jesus says about who He is one has to come to the conclusion that He's either a liar, insane or He truly is who He says He is: God on earth come to take away the sins of the world. If you've never done a SERIOUS study of this, please do. These days are getting worse and worse. You owe it to yourself to study on your own. I always find it interesting and sad that people who so readily discount the authenticity of Scripture, the reality of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection usually have never taken even a couple of hours out of their lives to find out - ON YOUR OWN, WITHOUT RELIGION - if He is, indeed, who He says He is.
why does mental illness, delusion, insanity eliminate the possibility of great wisdom and insight on certain things as well? Van Gogh was "insane" by most "normal" people's yardstick, yet he was a truly great painter.