Sound delay
It's highly commendable that this fictional movie owns up to something even documentories refuse to do. Namely the fact that sound is not instantanious over distance but there's a delay as it's enroute from the source. THat being said, I'm still a little puzzled by the delay b/n when the bullet of Quigglie's rifle struck & hearing the report of the gun, w/ silence in b/n. The bullet reaching them b/4 the gun report means it must be supersonic, which means it would be making sonic bangs enroute. Seems like just because the bullet stops doesn't mean the shockwaves do, thusly, shouldn't we start by hearing the impact, then shockwaves made by the bullet enroute in the reverse order in which they were generated, then finally the muzzle blast? Delay according to the bullet's lead on the muzzle sound? Doesn't the bullet of a long barreled gun make more noise at it's higher velocity, than the more energy-spent explosion in the bore? My impression is that even a supersonic bullet never outdistances the sound of the shot, because it automatically takes some of the sound with it. In the goof section, it said the bullet wasn't supersonic long enough to have a sufficient lead on the sound. My question is different, because the goof section doesn't outwardly rule out the potential of a sound delay after a supersonic bullet hits.
There's only 1 Yogi Bear. They tried a 2nd time, & they made a Booboo!HeyeyeyhEY!