Showtime Premiere

I remember when Showtime premiered this film. The premiere was on either a Friday or Saturday night. It was presented in a double feature, following the original "PSYCHO", and hosted by Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh in celebration of the 30 year "PSYCHO" legacy. I did not have Showtime back then, but distinctly remember the ad in their monthly listing guide. Does anyone have a copy of this initial broadcast? Any help would be appreciated. Contact: [email protected]



Actually, it was a Sunday at 9:00PM back in 1991. I got to see the premier.


1990 was the year, the film hit the home video market in early '91. November 10, 1990 is the listed world premiere date, and that would have been a Saturday.


Tony Perkins did not host the premier. Janet Leigh did it alone. I remember it well.


I'm sure she did. I just remember all the "reunion" publicity photos featuring Perkins and Leigh on the Universal set with Hilton A. Green.


Is this what you are talking about:


The youtube video has been pulled now :(
