Ok I dont get how...

Young Norman Bate's first victim was a young girl...his mother was already dead and rotting in her bed when he puts on her dress and wig. His mother looked like she had been dead for years just rotting in her bed. After killing the 2nd victim his mother was very alive then and before that after he killed his first victim. How is this so...did i miss something? It's like the woman who played his mother never was or something if it showed his mother was already dead in her bed before he killed his first victim in the house.


What makes you think his mother was alive when he killed his second victim (the older woman)?


I dunno....i only saw this movie once about a month ago. Just seemed like it did a good job at jumping around in time from when his mother was dead and when his mother was alive when he was still a teenager. Thought this movie was "OK" but Psycho 2 was the best IMO.

"Do...or do not! There is no try!" -Yoda


you only hear her voice and norman does a great job of her voice so it was probably him.


Correction: It WAS him. How can the OP be so dense? The whole entire series contains scenes of a girl hearing Norman arguing with his mother and then him returning to the girl. Starting from the first one his mother is dead and gone. When Norman is 15 and kills that young girl who wants to have sex with him, his mother is dead. That was Norman's first kill as "Mother" Then near the end of the movie they go a little further into the past to show when Norman killed his mother & her boyfriend.


While Norman is telling his story, the events are not in chronological order. He begins with his first kill as "mother" and then talks about the other murders before revealing to Fran (the radio talk show host) and her listeners how he killed Norma & Chet (his mother & her boyfriend).
