Hello! Does anyone know specific places in Orlando where PC2 was filmed? Like, where Ben & Jr's house was, where the Mortville school was filmed? I know some places may no longer exist, but would love to know if some are still around. Thanks!
I interior sets were built at Universal Studios- inside the Healy house (downstairs and upstairs), plus a few smaller sets like the school bathroom stall (the one with the exploding toilet).
There was one shot done on the Universal park 'backlot'- the shot where Trixie and Junior are running down a street at night.
Everything else was done at various locations around Orlando. A few small things were constructed at the school, but for the most part, what you see in the movie is what you get- if they are someplace in the school, it was done inside the real school, etc.
A few locations around Orlando:
Healy house: 1216 Lancaster Dr, Orlando FL 32806
School: Kaley Elementary 1600 E Kaley St, Orlando, FL 32806
Restaurant: Peabody Hotel 9801 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819
(also the small set of Voytek's shabby apartment was constructed in a large outside stairwell adjoining the Peabody)
Love Rock/Wedding location: Harry P Leu Gardens 1920 N Forest Ave, Orlando, FL 32803
Pizza Restaurant: The Bubble Room (now closed I believe) 1351 S Orlando Ave, Maitland, FL 32751
Dumore Bank: (A bank in downtown Orlando, can't remember which one)
You can use the addresses to see these locations at Google maps, or better yet, try zillow.com to get some better views.
I know that the Glen Beigh Hospital, where they filmed the scenes of LaWanda getting being observed for rabies and getting the plastic surgery on her nose, is now a shelter for homeless women and children.