The vomiting scene was one of the most offensive ever in a film.
I lost all sympathy for Junior after being subjected to the "projectile vomit" scene at the amusement park. Consider how it's not just the bully and Trixie who are on that ride, it's a whole bunch of innocent bystanders who've done nothing wrong, not to mention every person watching the ride who get puked on. How about that guy and his date who wanted to spend a nice time together who ended up getting puked on? And consider the emotional scarring people would suffer. After this, Junior richly deserved to be sent to Bagdad. If I were his dad Ben Healey I'd have sent him there myself! (Actually, and I'm sorry if saying this grosses anyone out, but Junior really deserved being dunked in a bucket of vomit just to see how it is.) I just hope (and would think) that the amuesment park owners got their a**es sued off by the victims of the incident for having a speed switch completely unprotected and located in a place where any punk kid could mess with it just to see what would happen. Those of you who think this sort of thing is funny, imagine going on that ride yourself having expecting to have a good time and then having the speed go all the way up and then both vomiting and getting vomited on and then tell me if you still like Junior or not.