I mean he only killed the man who had sex with him girlfriend, his girlfriend who cheated, the wheelchair guy who betrayed him and the woman in the car who was pushing his buttons. I mean his actions were wrong, but do you think he was evil? Because he had reasons for his actions.
Depends on what you think the definition of "Evil" is? He was a crack addict and the narcotics had certainly warped his brain and made him far more impulsive. Was he a victim of drug abuse or did he decide upon violence based entirely on his own agency? He was a chaotic criminal who was not nearly as organized as the local Italian mob but still was able to attract numerous henchmen to his cause, which implied that they considered him preferable than the far more powerful (and wealthy) four families. If it wasn't power and money the henchmen were after, they had to be motivated by something else, namely they loved Ritchie and were devoted to him due to some sort of loyalty, charisma of his, or promises of future success. I doubt any of them considered themselves "evil" or would have been attracted to how evil he was. There must have been at least some sort of moral justification on their part, even if it was used to cover up the fact that they were driven by charism or hedonism (he did know how to have fun and throw a mean PARTAY).
Remember when Seagal chases him into the random butcher shop and 100% of the employees took up Ritchie's offer to attack Seagal? It was not even made clear if they were criminals or even knew who Ritchie was. He might have had some kind of hypnotic hold over random people just by being forceful and dominant, which may have inspired them to follow his orders just because they were sick of the alternative. In their eyes, he could have been some kind of an inspiring revolutionary figure rising them up out of a corrupt system (a new direction away from the Italian mob AND the corrupt police department).
As you can tell, I'm endlessly fascinated by the moral philosophy governing the actions of thugs and henchmen in simple-minded 80's/90's action movies.
Now that I think about it, when he killed Bobby it was first degree murder and premeditated so I don't think that it was a crime of passion. He went out of his way to do it so it was premeditated and cold blood. So now that I think about it he was evil. I mean imagine the nightmares Bobby's kids will have about their father getting shot in front of their eyes. So yes he was evil. Also I think that when he killed his girlfriend (of screen) that was also premeditated and in cold blood. So yes I think he's evil. Plus as Gino said, Richie had many women so most likely Richie was also cheating on his girlfriend. So yes he was evil. Because the murder of Bobby and his girlfriend were first degree murders. I mean not only he killed Bobby, but he also wanted to destroy his reputation.