rank his movies please

i wanna start a seagal collection. rank best to worst (even those direct to dvd flicks!)
i've only seen:
hard to kill
out for justice
marked for death...


I liked Under Siege the best


The only other two that are above average are "Above the Law" and "Under Siege".


1-Out for Justice (I own it)
2-Marked for Death (I own it)
3-Into the Sun (I own it)
4-On Deadly Ground (I own it)
5-Driven to Kill (I own it)
6-Urban Justice (I own it)
7-Under Siege II
8-Under Siege
9-Hard to Kill
10-Above the Law


everything up to On Deadly Ground is decent relative to Segal films....after that? meh!

1 under siege
2 out for justice
3 hard to kill
4 marked for death
5 above the law...


Under Siege is the only Seagal film that isn’t an unintentional comedy. It’s got an incredible supporting cast, including Tommy Lee Jones and Busey, and it’s arguably the best Die Hard clone. Plus it has Erika Eliniak’s tits.

Out For Justice is both hilarious (Seagal walking around with a beret and trying to be an Italian gangster-cop) and it has his crowning beat-down - the pool bar massacre, along with some of his best fights all round. The final fight, where he throws Ritchie around like a giant fat toddler before sticking a corkscrew in his brain is gut-bustingly funny.

Marked For Death has the best final kill, it’s like something from a horror film, plus some decent fights.

Under Siege 2 has some very brutal kills including the hilariously one-sided fight with Penn - who is built up to be Seagal’s evil twin. It has a bigger budget, but not big enough - with some of the worst effects and use of stock footage ever to make it into the cinemas.

On Deadly Ground has some strong kills and, for some reason, Michael Caine WTF!?

I found Hard To Kill to be rather tame, same with Above The Law - the kills aren’t brutal enough.

After Under Siege 2 in 1995 it basically went downhill. What made the early fights so great was the wide framing and clear choreography. Whether it was because Seagal just became too old and fat or he started working with shit filmmakers, everything since then is over-edited mush with sped up footage, close-ups, and so many cuts you have no idea what’s going on.


Out for Justice
Marked for death
On Deadly Ground
Out of Reach
Into the sun
Urban Justice
Driven to Kill
A Dangerous man
The Keeper
Pistol whipped
Code of honor
