writing credits

What do you think the extent of Jarmusch's writing was? For example, Benigni is an improv genius and although Jarmusch may have written the script just for him, I would find it hard to believe that there is none of Benigni's own in there...

I'm just curious about Jarmusch's limits to comedy, it seems sometimes that most of the funniest parts in his movies, are inspired by characteristics of the actors, and not exactly the script itself. Tom Waits' character in Down by Law is hilarious and had me laughing a lot, but that's just Tom Waits. Same with Benigni, same with Murray.

I'm not trying to discredit Jarmusch on the comedy genre, but, being one of the things I like most about his films, I'd like to know how much actually comes from Jarmusch. Am I making sense?

Anyway all that said, Jarmusch is definitely my favorite filmmaker at the moment, and has been for a long time.

It isnt enough to tell us what a man did. You've got to tell us who he was.


I think that probably one of Jim Jarmusch's strongpoints is that he knows when to let his actors loose. I believe that he makes it possible with his own work, that the actors get just the space and time they need to bring out the best in them.


i don't know the answer to your question but i think jarmush has a great sense of humour. there's a lot of funny situations in his movies and as he writes them by himself these have to be his work. ghost dog and dead man would have a lot of humour in themselves even if they'd be played by less talented actors. but sure, the choice of actors is another great thing about jarmush.
i do like him a lot.

...even drugs are changing...
