The dogs make no sense

I know, it's a comedy and all that, blahblah.

However, when you look at the 'dog chasing a man' (which is 100% not Leslie)-scenes, you can CLEARLY see the dogs are not running very fast - they're barely running, they are more like 'jogging casually'.

When a dog is ACTUALLY chasing someone, it runs AS FAST AS IT CAN, or at least very, very fast. Dogs have incredible stamina this way, they can run for a long time, they can walk for days without stopping, and so on (and yet, people don't give them even nearly enough exercize every day, while insisting to keep them as 'pets').

Look at those dogs - they're a very muscular, lean, athletic, fast breed - but the speed the dog is running is actually SLOWER than the actor guy, who is ALSO not running very fast.

Couldn't they get a guy that can actually run very fast, then make them run as fast as he can, while also making sure the DOGS are running at least "appropriately fast"?

These dogs jog so slowly, even a toddler that learned to walk today could move faster.

I know, it's a comedy, but COME ON, can't you make these scenes look a bit more real? Let the dogs run FAST! I know the dynamic would be harder, because then the dog would have to close in quickly, so it would have to start from so far away, it would probably be off-screen in the beginning, but it would look so much more realistic.

Just because something is a comedy, doesn't mean everything _HAS_ to be 100% cartoonish and unbelievable. If you are going to go the 'cartoon' route, you can at least do it in a more exciting and fast-paced way, like the movie 'Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle' does. Ridiculously silly and unrealistic movie, but it does the 'live action cartoon' style so well.

I can't hate this movie, though, it's incredibly good, the comedy is great, and Leslie Nielsen (N-I-E-L-S-E-N - - I am typing it like this so people can pay attention and know how his name is SUPPOSED to be spelled) is a genius.

These badly done scenes that kill the immersion still bug me; comedy or not, make the god damn dogs run fast, that's what they do best!

This is an example of the 'fool a kid'-phenomenon that's way too common. Kids might be fooled by a simple trick, because they don't yet understand how the world or physics work, but adults watching this KNOW how fast dogs can be, so when they see a dog just jogging around (and the man as well), it just looks stupid, and not believable.

We KNOW dogs are fast, so do not show us SLOW dogs, damnit!


The slow dogs are the best scene in the movie.


Wow, someone's bored.


Good job. I didn't know all that about dogs. You uncovered a plot hole


It was probably dug by a dog.
