I can see your point, but it didn't look like to me that his parents were too offended, or just too sad to notice. And I guess that in some points we are supposed to get that she can be mean, even when he was alive she was mean to Thomas J. And maybe she was asking about the glasses, is that I have to assume that she is used to seeing him wearing glasses, and this was her first time not seeing him wearing glasses. So she got scared, but it wasn't like her father couldn't take care of it. And I think that it might sound rude of me to say, so sorry if I offend you or anybody else, but isn't it Thomas J's fault that he died, after all he did kick the beehave, whether knowing or not knowing that among is among everything that he is allegric to everything, that he is allegric to bees. Now getting to her asking about his glasses, say if you were Vada, and Thomas J was your best friend, and you are used to seeing him with glasses on, he dies and to you see him in the casket without his glasses on, and this is your first time seeing without his glasses on, how would you react. And even with another funereal scene where she is supposed to watching her grandmother, she was doing her job, but I have to guess is she needed lo leave her for any reason, she was supposed to check in with him, even having to use the bathroom. And assuming what I read is correct that her grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's disease, meaning that she could get up going around town, and forgetting who she is and where she lives, and just wondering around town, and how would the police be able to find out where she lives if she can't remember, how could they track down her family otherwise. And it didn't seem like she gets up and moves around much anyways, until she got up and starting singing at the funeral which would be a different funeral, since she couldn't even bring herself at first to even leave her room, and spend a whole day in her room.