MovieChat Forums > My Girl (1991) Discussion > This film is criminally underrated.

This film is criminally underrated.

6.5? Is it just sentimentality talking, or was this film a whole hell of a lot better than that score reflects?

I mean... how many films have topics on their message boards full of people talking about how moved they were, how the film brought them to tears? How many films are able to capture such indescribable things like the awkwardness of youth, adolescence, & loss with such a tender touch, and so capably?

I just don't get it. I'm perplexed, and have rated this film 10/10 in protest of this injustice.


Agreed.. I rated it a 9/10.. It presented many issues thru the views of an 11yr old girl that came full circle throughout the film. Many views that were deep and meaningful and ordinary and typical in life. Plus im sure everyone adored the characters and feel good family environment.

Sometimes i feel that if u look up a movie on and see its ratings before watching it and forming ur own opinion, ur inclined to vote in the same range.. I myself was shocked when i saw a 6.5 rating but i came to the My Girl page AFTER watching it and truly adoring it.

If i had seen 6.5 before i might have voted it a 7 due to the bias. Thats why u gotta see MOST movies urself to form a personal opinion on it.. This reminds me of "the secret life of pippa lee" another vastly underrated movie on imdb.


you are so right...

I adore this movie. Have done so ever since I saw it over 20 years ago. I'm a 36 year old guy now but everytime I see it it still gets to me. It's so moving..

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


What may have killed it was they tried to market it as more of a family film which turned off audiences that didn’t have young children. Now the content is nothing that objectionable (a PG-13 might have been the rating this film deserved but still it’s nothing that bad) the plot is easy to follow but there is a lot going on internally within the characters which the movie doesn’t spoon feed (the characters don’t announce to the audience what they are feeling) and this would fly right over young children’s heads.


Granted I was a kid when this movie came out but it was pretty big. Everyone saw it, everyone loved it, everyone cried.

A low rating for sure. But certainly not underrated
