Vada's period

Is it true that when you have your period, you can't go swimming or climb trees, because when Thomas asked her if she wanted to go swimming she got Emo and pushed him and said leave me alone and don't come back for five to seven days.

Fun Fun Fun


I have a friend who got her period along time ago but can still go swimming. Basically when the time is right.


I think it an old wives tale about swimin when you got your period.

sam tyler:David Bowie. Why does it always come back to David Bowie?



I don't see many tampon commercials. Maybe they don't come on cartoon network and youth channel.

Fun Fun Fun


Girls get their period for 5-7 days. In the 70's there weren't many good products to allow girls/women to do things like swim and climb trees. And it's not that they "can't" it's just that it would well, leak, and e very embarrassing. Also, she wasn't being Emo! She was upset with good reason and jealous/angry that boys don't go through that. Not that she should have pushed him, but she had reason to be upset.


I hate to get graphic here but you can only go swimming if you wear tampons. If your wearing pads you cannot go swimming. I hate wearing tampons, so I never go swimming on my period. I know alot of girls who hate wearing tampons-especially little girls and I assume Vada was only shown how to wear pads since she was only 11.


I've gone swimming with my period (I wear tampons) and when you're in the water, your period stops.


Your period does not stop when you're in the water. It's not like your body says wait, hold up, she's in the water so we have to stop.

There are a few illusions that may make it seem as though it does, but it does not magically stop upon entering the water. A. despite how it seems, very little blood is lost during the entire duration of one's period, it usually comes out in small drops at a time. If the flow is light enough and the water is murky enough, it won't be noticed. Even a light flow in a crystal clear pool might not be notice, though I wouldn't bet on it.

B. The water pressure against the vagina can form a barrier of sorts to keep the blood from leaking out, but certain movement and current of the water could easily break the pressure.

Above all else, even if the flow does momentarily "stop" when in the water, good luck getting to or from the water without blood running down your legs. You cannot really wear a pad with a swimsuit, once water logged it will do nothing to absorb. I highly advise one skip swimming or use a tampon because your period will not magically stop when swimming.


Do Western young girls wear tampons really? I thought it was only adults and certain teenage Westerners who did.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


It is usually recommended that you have your period for a year or so before you start wearing tampons. It was explained to me that it was best to wait so you had time to learn your body, what to expect, proper hygiene, and all that stuff. It's not rare for girls who have had their period for a year to wear tampons, though.


I didn't wear tampons until late high school. My mom refused to buy them for me; so, since I had a job, I bought them myself. But, at the time, I still alternated between them and pads. I'd only wear them when swimming, cheerleading, or wearing white shorts.

Black men and a whole lot of *beep* white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass!


Well, of course you can wear a maxi pad in the pool, but I wouldn't recommend it.

And it's really true about it stopping in the bathtub or pool.

I've climbed trees on mine before. It's not like you aren't able to engage in physical outdoor activities. Maybe that's just what they believed back then.

Slater: Jessie, these pills are dangerous
Jessie: Yeah, well so is geometry.


Can't believe I'm commenting on this topic, but seeing as the movie was just on, here's a man's perspective. Yes, swimming and doing other climbing, stretching activities isn't good because leaks can happen, but another reason for swimming not being recommended is that sharks can smell blood from a LONG distance. Best to stay in the shallow end if possible!


Yes, women can still go swimming etc, it depends on the woman, on how 'heavy' their flow is etc. There are different types of products that women can use too.

Her pushing Thomas away was just a little joke about PMS.


If you were gushing blood would you want to put on a bathing suit and go swimming? Sure there are tampons, but an 11 year old girl with her first period knows nothing about tampons (or shouldn't anyway). The tree climbing thing is an overreaction...however you can feel like major crap at that time, so I can't say I would really want to go climb a tree either.


You can do anything on your period. Some people have sex on it

I'm wearing a tuxedo for no apparent reason.


Water stops the period from coming out so it should be safe but if you're not using tampons, why go swimming when you have your period?

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Water does not stop your period. It appears so but it doesn't.

Black men and a whole lot of *beep* white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass!
