Am I supposed to feel sorry for Maureen?
Because I sure don't. Maybe I'm thinking shallow. But this movie sure makes me grateful that I didn't have any sisters, because if I had a sister who did this to me, I could never have forgiven her the way Dani did.
Then again, maybe the fact that I never had any sisters is why I feel this way; maybe if I had, I would think differently.
But from the second Maureen walked in while Court was visiting, I hated her (now, anytime I re-watch my DVD, I hate her and see it from the beginning). The way she flirted with him and egged him into it. Sure, she mentions Dani and how much she likes him, but note the way she says's like she goes out of her way to make Dani sound like a silly school girl in puppy love. Sure, love at 14 is a little childish, but when I look back at my relationships, so were my relationships at 17, 18...hell...21!
And while I know it's wrong to think this towards anyone at any age, I can't help but want to blame Maureen for what happened to Court. I know you're not supposed to think it's anyone's fault, especially when all that person did was drop by for a visit (or a screw) right beforehand, but I suppose that's just more of my childishness and bias opinion kicking in from never having any sisters of my own.
I just can't feel sorry for Maureen. I feel for Dani like crazy. She was so close. If she had been able to see him for another year, then she may have won his heart. If sort of makes you wonder and laugh at how strange it is that as a teenager, 2 or 3 years seems like a huge difference, but as an adult, 2 or 3 years is no problem as an age difference for a couple. Why is that?