MovieChat Forums > The Man in the Moon (1991) Discussion > Am I supposed to feel sorry for Maureen?

Am I supposed to feel sorry for Maureen?

Because I sure don't. Maybe I'm thinking shallow. But this movie sure makes me grateful that I didn't have any sisters, because if I had a sister who did this to me, I could never have forgiven her the way Dani did.

Then again, maybe the fact that I never had any sisters is why I feel this way; maybe if I had, I would think differently.

But from the second Maureen walked in while Court was visiting, I hated her (now, anytime I re-watch my DVD, I hate her and see it from the beginning). The way she flirted with him and egged him into it. Sure, she mentions Dani and how much she likes him, but note the way she says's like she goes out of her way to make Dani sound like a silly school girl in puppy love. Sure, love at 14 is a little childish, but when I look back at my relationships, so were my relationships at 17, 18...hell...21!

And while I know it's wrong to think this towards anyone at any age, I can't help but want to blame Maureen for what happened to Court. I know you're not supposed to think it's anyone's fault, especially when all that person did was drop by for a visit (or a screw) right beforehand, but I suppose that's just more of my childishness and bias opinion kicking in from never having any sisters of my own.

I just can't feel sorry for Maureen. I feel for Dani like crazy. She was so close. If she had been able to see him for another year, then she may have won his heart. If sort of makes you wonder and laugh at how strange it is that as a teenager, 2 or 3 years seems like a huge difference, but as an adult, 2 or 3 years is no problem as an age difference for a couple. Why is that?



I dont feel sorry for her and yes if my sister did that to me i dont no if i could forgive her yer dani was young but she loved court and maureen had to stick her nose in to it..... grrr she annoyes me. and i didnt feel sorry for her cos she was selfish and annoying from the start. And full of her self she just acted like she thought she was really pretty and the best:@


I agree with Everyone. Plus Maureen knew how her sister felt. She should of backed away and thought of her sister.

I remember the scene where dani and her dad went fishing, and the dad says that Maureen is hurting more... Heck no I don't care.. She wouldn't of wanted him, if Dani wasn't hanging around Court that summer.


Yer that is why i am never going to feel sorry Maureen as she did no how her sister felt.she was so selfish but so was court... so when her dad said that at the lake i was really annoyed Maureen was hurting more because she stole the boy her sister loved why would you feel sorry for some one like that. Maureen just ruined the film :/


I COMPLETELY agree with everything you said, and what do you think of my idea?

I saw this movie about a month ago, and haven't been able to stop thinking about how good the chemistry was between Jason London and Reese Witherspoon, and how the ending was a real letdown. I was thinking what if they had an alternate ending, like used the first half of the movie, then cut to 20 years later, where Reese, Jason and her sister (in the movie) are all grown up, and Jason and Reese can't fight this crazy chemistry they have together and possibly end up together? What do you think?? It's never been done where there's been actors playing the same part in the SAME movie 20 years later as far as I know.


On that subject, I recommend you watch Before Sunrise and then Before Sunset. So romantic!


You don't think you'd be able to forgive your sister for stealing your crush (and let's face it, at 14 years old, that's all it really is) EVER? Sounds like only child syndrome.

You've already hit the nail on the head- your young adult relationships are just that- YOUNG. It's not like she stole her husband or boyfriend of several years. The girl was 14 years old.

The difference between a couple of years as an adult and a couple of years as a teenager is that your concept of judgment and experiences are completely different.

Take a 15 year old dating someone who is 18 (like say a Sophomore in high school versus a senior). One is worrying about the next two years of high school, the other is planning their future and going to college.

Even someone who is 18 dating someone 21 - again, different places in life. At a younger age, the time difference holds you back. If you were a parent, would you let your 14 year old date a 17 year old? How would you handle it? Let them go wherever they want and trust that they're following your rules when not in your presence? Or make them sit at home where you can watch them the entire time?

You see how one is inappropriate for a young teenager, and the other limits the older.


It was amazing how easily she gave it up to Court, when, earlier in the film, she fought off the guy she had been dating for a while.


I have a few sisters. If a guy you like, likes your sister better...what are you going to do? Act like a bitch for the rest of your life? That's silly. You simply accept it and move on, in six months he'd probably be gone anyway. Anyway, your family is more important than any crush.


I do have a sister. Our age difference is about the same as Dani and Maureen's, though we're both in our mid 20s now. After watching this movie I tried to decide if I could ever treat my sister the way that Maureen treated Dani and I really can't imagine it. My sister always liked guys who were older than her - practically from birth - largely due to the fact that the majority of my friends were guys and she spent a lot of time with me. I can't imagine any person in the world meaning more to me than my little sister and I would never - then or now - hook up with a person she had feelings for. Even if I thought her feelings were naive or innocent and mine were 'real'.

On the flip side, I had feelings for a guy when I was in high school and he had feelings for my sister. I didn't know this until years later, but he actually attempted to start things with her and, even though she had feelings for him, she refused because she knew how I felt. That's what a good sister does. Feelings you've had for a guy for however long should never trump the love you have for your sister. Ever. Neither of us even talk to or really think about that guy anymore, but we will always have each other.

That's why I don't feel sorry for Maureen. She betrayed her sister and didn't even have the guts to try and talk to her about it first. I would have forgiven my sister for that and I feel confident that she would have forgiven me as well. However, things would never be the same and I can't imagine any person or anything being worth that.

It's sad that Maureen was in pain because she at least believed her feelings were real, but I have a hard time sympathizing with people who make me that angry.
