Dani's first swimming scene

I watch this film usually once or twice during the summer time and I'm currently watching it. In every version I've ever seen they've used a far away shot of Reese Witherspoon running into the pool nude where you can barely see her running or not even see anything at all except for a tan body running out of frame. However in the version I just watched the shot seems closer and you see back nudity quite clearly. Am I crazy here or was there an alternative shot used in some takes.

And who was Reese' nude double? I doubt they used her for it.

Here's looking at you kid



that is funny you mentioned that...i usually watch this movie when its on TV and today was watching it on cable..it was as if I were watching a totally different movie. There were scenes I hadn't ever seen.



this was one of Reese's early movie roles. I have my doubts that they used a double.
although the full naked shot(dvd)looked like a girl a couple of years older...so maybe.
wonder if anyone ever ask her?


No, it was her - she was wearing a string/thong they edited (photoshopped) out to make her look nude, pasties for her front. When she jumps in the water and you slow it down, you can see she's wearing a regular white swimsuit bottom for her other scenes in the water.



"this was one of Reese's early movie roles. I have my doubts that they used a double. "

Her fame at the time had nothing to do with whether they used a body double or not. More likely the fact she was 14 had something to do with the decision.


Now you have your definative answer LOL.


The scene of the character running towards the water and jumping, where you can see her untanned, bare bottom, are an obvious adult body double since she has a much different body type than Witherspoon. The scene where the character goes into the water is Witherspoon with flesh colored clothing covering her. The scenes in the water and getting out of the water are Witherspoon with clothing; you can even see her top when she gets out of the water.

This was in the days before digital correction of things like this, so it's understandable that they were left in the film.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."
