Quotes, anyone?

What r ur fave quotes?

Mine is:
Court: You ever been kissed before, Dani?
Dani: Sure. Lots of times.
Court: I'll bet. Well you almost just got more than kissed, there, little girl.
Dani: I'm not a little girl!!
Court: You are, too, Dani! You're a little girl and you don't know what you're doing! One of these days, someone's gonna get your cherry. But it aint gonna be me cause I don't think I'd like myself very much for it.


Dani: Are you always this nice to people you just met or are you practicin' up to be a horse's butt?


i always liked

Dani: if i was just a little older i could do EVERYTHING couldnt i court?


this is my fav too! I love it!


Dani: if i was just a little older i could do EVERYTHING couldnt i court?

^^That one and this one by Dani's mom.

"Used to be she was too little. Now she's too big. I guess she passed just right when nobody was looking."

There's something vibrating in your pocket, and I really hope it's your phone.[GG}


My favorite quote is definitely:

Dani: "if i do what i feel i'm gonna burst into a million pieces and go flying into space"

"I know you got a buzz off that alcohol"


my favorite was "maybe life's not supposed to make sense"
"doesn't that scare you?"
a friend of mine just passed away and the normal response is "why would this happen, it just doesn't make sense..we're only 17, and right before we graduate high school.'' But, like this movie, things just happen for no reason and that's the terrible part about life

you're a little late, i'm already torn.



^That's my fave as well.

I also liked when Dani's mum says "Used to be she was too little, now she's too big. I guess she passed up just right when we weren't lookin'"

"Life...Has No Opposite"


Are you always this ugly to people you just met or you practicin' up to be a horse's butt?
