I don't think he knew what was going to happen. First of all, that would require an almost super-human sense of perceptiveness. Second, we're looking at this through the benefit of hindsight. This was the first contemporary American political assassination. Before Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X. It was the end of innocence. No modern American president would have feared such a catastrophic turn of events at the time in 1963. Who was the last assassinated president, William McKinley? James Garfield? I'm not sure of the answer, but I think both were shot in the 1800's! Added to that, Kennedy, was riding high in '63. He had such confidence, perhaps hubrus. I think his waving and smiling at his (and Jackie's) many admirers in Dallas that day was genuine; he was completely oblivious to the level of the hatred (or indifference to the sanctity of human life) that was about to do him in.