On DVD soon?

Does anybody whether or not this movie will be put on DVD or VHS? This is definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen.


When do you see made for tv movies put out on dvd?
Completely snubbed.


What do you mean by "Completely snubbed"?


Just what I said.
I am a fan of all the 1970's/80's made for tv movies.
Let's face it, they are "snubbed" by the studios when it comes to releasing them to dvd.
I collect them and very few are on dvd, a few poverty studios putting some out, but quality isn't always there.

We need a studio to put out a collection of them or a special tv channel that runs only these made for tv movies from this era.

I have been requesting this for years.

Completely snubbed!


Thank you for answering. I agree with you; let's pray on it!


I ordered this movie, "In Broad Daylight", on the 20th of this month from Film Classics on DVD. It was shipped out today to my address.
Get on Film Classics, and you will find it!



How was the quality of the DVD? I've seen a lousy VHS pirated dupe and that's it. Was this feature quality? Thanks.


The quality was good. I believe you can get this DVD now from any place that sells DVD's and videos.


See it here: http://www.harrymaclean.com/blog/inbroaddaylightmovie/
It's currently on You Tube as well.


The Harry MacLean web site link mentioned in the previous message does not work at the moment.

The YouTube video is kind of crappy quality, but I couldn't wait after wanting this movie for so long. There are utilities that will download things from YouTube like Real Downloader, and other programs that will take the resulting FLV file and turn it into a DVD.

Great movie!

The Hawaii Five-O Home Page: http://www.mjq.net/fiveo


Just finished watching this great movie from a flash video capture I made on youtube. The quality was so-so but it didn't matter - the film was chilling and Dennehy was totally menacing.

I used Firefox and Videodownloadhelper to grab the film off youtube.


Just finished watching this great movie from a flash video capture I made off youtube. The quality was so-so but it didn't matter - the film was chilling and Dennehy was totally menacing.

I used Firefox and Videodownloadhelper to grab the film off youtube.
