I Cant Be The First Person To Notice:
The similarities?
http://s729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/bridges2far/?action=view& current=bushbenson.jpg
I didn't even know where Bruges was...
...Its in Belgium
The similarities?
http://s729.photobucket.com/albums/ww296/bridges2far/?action=view& current=bushbenson.jpg
I didn't even know where Bruges was...
...Its in Belgium
I just wonder if Bush has everything fake on his body.
Gotta love Little Shop Of Horror!
bush has NO war injuries lol
shareNow that President Obama has been in the office a few days over a year and he has continued every policy of President Bush on foreign policy, while continuing to denigrate those policies and claiming to be different, and he has spent an undetermined amount of money in the trillions of dollars to save the economy with little to no effect, how do your witty posts regarding the highly effective 44th President of the United States appear to you?
Captain Dan
"The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank."
Bush was the 43rd. You're counting Grover Cleveland twice.
In Sicily, Woman Are More Dangerous Than Shotguns