MovieChat Forums > Hook (1991) Discussion > So many tiny references i never realized...

So many tiny references i never realized in the past as a kid.

There are so many Peter Pan references in this movie i have never seen in the past. Especially in the beginning of the movie.

- When Peter leaves his offices to catch his flight, his staff says, 'and remember, don't let your arms get tired!'

- The plane the family takes was from Pan Am.

- Jack, Peter's son, made a drawing of their plane crashing and everyone but Peter has a parachute, first thought is Jack being mad at his father for missing another basketball game but we all know the meaning of him having no parachute.

- In the movie the Great Ormond Street Hospital, is dedicating a wing to Grandma Wendy, the hospital is a real children's hospital that received the copyrights for Peter Pan in 1929 from its writer J. M Barrie and still receives funds from those copyrights to this day.


-Either I still don't understand the 'Don't let your arms get tired' joke or it's just not a funny joke.

- I did notice the Pan Am as a kid, but it wasn't until years later I realised it was a real airline :P

- Although I understood Jack's picture, I only saw the real dark humour in it as an adult

- I never noticed the Great Ormond Street thing, but know that Barrie left the rights of the story to them, and still consider that to be one of the most wonderful things I ever heard of a famous person doing.

What I didn't realise as a kid was that the Boo Box pirate was played by Glenn Close!


It's just like that corny old joke "I just flew in from Chicago... and boy, are my arms tired!"
Har, har, har.
