So many tiny references i never realized in the past as a kid.
There are so many Peter Pan references in this movie i have never seen in the past. Especially in the beginning of the movie.
- When Peter leaves his offices to catch his flight, his staff says, 'and remember, don't let your arms get tired!'
- The plane the family takes was from Pan Am.
- Jack, Peter's son, made a drawing of their plane crashing and everyone but Peter has a parachute, first thought is Jack being mad at his father for missing another basketball game but we all know the meaning of him having no parachute.
- In the movie the Great Ormond Street Hospital, is dedicating a wing to Grandma Wendy, the hospital is a real children's hospital that received the copyrights for Peter Pan in 1929 from its writer J. M Barrie and still receives funds from those copyrights to this day.