Pan should have died at the end.
I finally figured out what's wrong with this movie.
Everyone knows it missed the mark, somehow, Spielberg himself is infamously dissatisfied with it... Although personally it is one of my top 10 all time favorite movies, bar none.
But EVEN I admit , although the cinematography is great, the sound effects, the acting (Robin Williams is literally a gift to watch) The music, the SETS, EVERYTHING is great except it just seems to miss the mark. I think it's the ending, which is clearly the weakest point.
When Tink sprinkles her dust over Pan's kids at the end... and they all fly away in happiness ... You just left with a feeling of emptiness.
I think Peter should have died, NOT Rufio in the end fight.
But OF COURSE this would NEVER be allowed by Disney , least of all in an early 90s Disney children's film (maybe in their weird 80s flicks like Return to Oz, but not in the 90's).
Spielberg was IMO crippled by Disney's 'family' ethic , he MUST have thought of this plot element at some point, but would have known it wouldn't be allowed.
I think my Pan dying idea is solidified by one of the most famous lines from the original Pan play "To Die would be an awfully big adventure".
in the beginning, it is always dark