
I love matt and trey but what makes IMDB think that liking Grand Canyon will qualify you to like Orgazmo? That is one strange recommendation...

"Then you leave me no choice than to play you in a game of hungry hungry hippos"


Well, I really enjoyed both but can't see how these would link together. Must be beyond my understanding. :)

Who says violence is not the answer?



It's a randomization tool, invented just to provoke discussions such as these. More discussion attracts more people to be subjected to the advertisements. Very clever. Or maybe that's just me being cynical.

I also liked both movies, but they're really not that similar. Clearly.


The only thing I can figure is that they're both about people looking for goodness in the cynical heart of Los Angeles, not that I'd give Orgazmo (which I love) that much credit for insight.
