Maggie and her mother's introduction, and that it's her 28th birthday.
John arriving in Central City.
Maggie and Doc talking therapy techniques and dream demons.
Doc and Tracy training; Doc is trying to train her mind. Tracy only wants to train her body.
Freddy popping up in the "Free me you idiot" nightmare.
Stuff here and there in the Springwood fair scene, including Tom Arnold telling John "You said you were gettin' out, but ya brung back more!"
Stuff here and there with the teens as they try to get out of Springwood. Tracy doesn't trust Spencer not to cop a feel if she falls asleep while he's driving.
John recognizing Freddy from the chalk drawing and a quick conversation with Maggie about him.
Freddy absorbing Carlos' soul.
Maggie going into the basement and finding Freddy's hidden room and all his weaponry and trophy items still there.
Freddy growling at Tracy after she kicks him in the crotch.
Freddy tests the sharpness of the bed of spikes he lays out for John.
Maggie telling the audience "Now" to put their 3-D glasses on.
Freddy telling Maggie to "Get out of my head!" and expelling her out of his memories back into the hallway, where she demands to know about her own recurring dream which leads her into the "I won't tell" flashback.
The dream demons talk to one another before flying away from Freddy's explosion.
Alternate "Freddy's Dead" take ending with a high-five freeze frame.
Alternate end titles after the montage with a different mix of "Everything Remains the Same."
And other quick shots or pieces here and there throughout.