I agree. He wasn't responsible for his death. Yet, at the end of the day, meanness is still meanness. You can get away with it a lot, but you never know when it is really hurting someone. Or, is just enough to push a disturbed person over the edge. The latter is an extreme and rare case. This movie reminded me of that recent example where the radio people jokingly called a hospital asking for Kate Middleton, and the nurse on the phone got fired/in trouble for HIPAA (or the UK equivalent) violation and then killed herself. They were making sport of her. Not maliciously, but still, the joke was at her expense. Normally, healthy people can take that in stride. But again, extreme cases with someone already suffering loads of issues... And if that means 'ugh, so we have to be nice to everyone? lame' Well...yeah. Maybe it does. Even if the worst that happens is just hurting someone. Let's avoid it.
In general. Yes, I think people should avoid putting others down and promoting callousness and meanness. (to the OP). I'm a convert myself so am not trying to sound high and mighty. ;) I was raised in a family where mean-spirited, sarcastic humor (often at someone's expense) was the norm and bond-worthy. So I try to unlearn it. My younger self never would have said any of these gushy things, but what can I say? experiences have changed me over the years. (Including attending somewhere that had a mass shooting.)
I was surprisingly pleased with the overall message of this movie. Promoted being nice, reaching out and helping your fellow man, imagine that lol. And I felt bad for Jack's guilt over what happened. That would be awful. My younger self would have wretched at these themes but, not anymore. I think it's good to promote.