Sex With A Teenager

Was any one else highly offended when Jack's character said he was gonna have sex with one of his choice?


I don't know why it's so offending. He was obviously joking. The way Howard Stern does.

Good Omens, Defective Detective, Dr. Parnassus, Don Quixote...please make these Terry!


What kind of joke is that? He said what he said.


Yes, it's in bad taste but there's also a thing called sarcasm.

Good Omens, Defective Detective, Dr. Parnassus, Don Quixote...please make these Terry!


You get offened by your own will and choice. Choose to not be offended!


Why teenager? Why?!?


you must be american...anything that envolves sex offends americans

Good Omens, Defective Detective, Dr. Parnassus, Don Quixote...please make these Terry!


Tell me why he said teenager as opposed to a beautiful hooker or pornstar. Because all men are insecure with their masculinity?


No, because pornstar would totally defeat the purpose of the joke. The joke is how it's in bad taste.

Good Omens, Defective Detective, Dr. Parnassus, Don Quixote...please make these Terry!


Nah, all men are insecure pedophiles.


Not this one, yours.

If I decided to go out tonight and pick up a 19 year old and have sex with her, regardless of how old I am, not even you could call me a pedophile.

Well, I suppose you could call me that, but you'd be wrong. And an ignoramus.


All men are insecure pedophiles? Or all women want to play the victim's role? Oh wait a minute, just this insecure woman from Seattle. Better check your city by-laws, sister, there's nothing wrong with sex with a teenager. In fact it's even LEGAL. Methinks that men have picked younger, more attractive, SECURE IN THEMSELVES women over your used up old withered self a few times too many.

Like a good horseradish, you are just bitter. All men aren't insecure pedophiles, but you, obssessing over it so much, just might be. Check your attitude at the door , and check yourself in to a good clinic, it's going to be a long haul for you, including a team of therapists spanning a few years.

A last thought. You wanted to say that statement so bad, that you had use a forum about a movie to do so. What does that say about your character? Good luck with all my advice ;).


Better check your city by-laws, sister, there's nothing wrong with sex with a teenager. In fact it's even LEGAL.

...I'm not sure which cities you're talking about, but NO, in most places it is NOT legal for teenagers under a certain age to have sex. Ever heard of an age of consent?:

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


This is obviously a plea for atention on your part or you are phishing but yes, 15, 16, 17 and 18 are part of the teenage years

"If you're truly wild at heart, you'll fight for your dreams"


A plea for attention? What are you talking about? I just stumbled upon this thread by accident. You said that it was legal to have sex with a teenager, and I was correcting you.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.



Don't call me a moron, thanks. I never said it was illegal for ALL the teenage years, just that saying that it's universally legal is incorrect. Most countries, if not all, have an age of consent situated around the mid-teenage years. Therefore, simply saying that it is legal is incorrect.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.



What exactly is your point? As I said before, saying that it is universally legal is incorrect. I didn't mean to imply that it is NEVER legal, and I've already explained that.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.



...Right. We're arguing about semantics now, and you're talking down to me, so I don't really see a need to continue this pointless conversation.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.



I don't recall talking down to anyone.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.



Oh, brother.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.



apparently you never went through with a very good relationship. i beg to contradict


What a lovely comment. You see, being as this movie was pretty humorous, all in all, this was another joke made. I'm sorry it offended you. Get off your high horse.


jack is not a likeable guy in this part of the movie. he prides himself on being offensive and aserbic. the statement makes him sound decadent and dangerous.

he say sex with a teenager because he likes to shock and offend the narrowminded easily offended simpletons of the world who would take this comment at face value.

perhaps these sort of people should not watch this kind of movie if they haven't the intellect to understand the movie.



Your kidding right? I met my wife when she was 19, does that make me an insecure pedophile?


You're an idiot.


You need help


You're such a f-cking idiot. You don't even know what a pedophile is.
Seek out a therapist, please. He'll even give you the attention your parents always refused you.


lol, good joke topic.


Pedophiles are people who like pre-pubescent children. All straight men are attracted to fully developed women, and some develop earlier than others. And remember, teenager could still mean 18-19, which is considered adult everywhere, and in some states the age of consent is as low as 16. The person with the comment about Americans was correct, we haven't done a very good job of getting away from the worthless parts of our puritan roots.


SeatleSaif: Nah, all men are insecure pedophiles.

See, I find that a funny joke. :)


Terry Gilliam is an American and it's his film. It's a joke. I don't think his character was serious.


You must be ignorant.


If that's true, then why is our whole society saturated with sex (to a sickening degree). I think we've been bombarded with it too much in movies, tv, music, magazines, ads, that we've become disgusted by it.

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew



Yeah, and? Were you thinking all comedy is delivered as stand up? The claim was, "he was joking," not "he was telling a joke." Christ, lighten up.


Because we are attracted to youth and I'm sure he didn't mean a prepubescent little kid but rather the hot, saucey, steamy and just plain sexy stuck up high school senior.


I hope you all die.


You have no sense of humor do you? You can't even tell they're joking too!

Good Omens, Defective Detective, Dr. Parnassus, Don Quixote...please make these Terry!


i wasnt the slightest bit offended. not even my mom was offended.

i happen to like nailing teenagers. i mean, im only 22, so its not that bad. theres just something appealing about a nice ripe 16 year old


^I'm pressing charges for statutory rape. Congratulations dumb ass.


^^This is one of the weirdest threads I've read lately...

...anyway -- SeattleSaif -- Nobody can press charges of statutory rape if the people involved are 18. I believe 18 is the legal age of consent throughout the U.S.

And getting back to your original post -- that comment about the teenage girl was meant to be shocking. It wouldn't be shocking if he said "hooker". This is an adult movie with adult themes...If you want to get so hung up on the "teenage girl" comment, then go right ahead. But it seems to me (to paraphrase Shakespeare) "thou doth protest too much, methinks'


16 is legal in some states, dumbass, and he could very well live in one of them.




Maybe you will grow up after you leave school!!


Teenager does NOT have to mean UNDERAGE. There are 2 ages called 18 and 19 and it is perfectly legal for an adult man of ANY age to have sex with females of those ages. So, what's the big deal? Get over your fears...



This is the most hilarious thread in months!! Thank you, way to go SeattleSaif!!


SeattleSaif, You will probabily take offence to this, but honestly I really do not care. The problem is you are acting like a child who is not getting its way because no one is agreeing with you. And I quote "I hope you all die". Yeah that shows alot of machority. Look most everyone hates pedophiles, but the thing is he Jack isnt talking about being a pedo, he is just joking. Yes it was offensive it was meant to be that. If you can't get over it by that little line then I think you may want to see a shrink or somthing, because if that line may bother you then you may have a bit of a problem, but maybe you don't. I don't know you, and frankly I don't care to know you but this is just my oppinion that you should lighten up. See a doctor or somthing or in plain just quit bitching about nothing, thank you. However I will leave you with one final thing. I LIKE NEW YORK IN JUNE, HOW ABOUT YOU?

Mako 1933-2006
We will never forget you.


I really hope she isnt being serious because if she is she's just made the biggest fool out of herself.

I hope she is serious because people like her make me laugh with theyre narrow mindedness.


People like SeattleSaif are the reason I don't like America that much. New York is great though, I went there last month and I did the Fisher King location Tour!


Pedophiles are people attracted to PRE-pubescents. If one chooses to explore this attraction, they are liable to become...child molesters (pedophile just means "likes kids before puberty")

The correct term for what you're talking about is Hebephile. (Or a spelling thereof).

And it's *beep* I jack off to a 16 year old if I want to. That's my business. It's not illegal, it's not wrong. It's like how it was okay to like the Olsen Twins sexually on their 18th birthday, but not the DAY before?

It's stupid. You dn't have to agree SeattleSaif, but you do have to understand that if you say something stupid, we WILL call you on it, because we know more than you and will fight stupidity with knowledge.

Censor *beep* Sucks.


so you jack off, do you? perv. where I come from we don't have a sexuality. we reproduce by cellsplicing. like amoebas. just as God intended.


Jesus what a thread seattle your ignorant and are the most immature sad attention seeking idiot i have ever encountered on these boards.


QUOTED: "so you jack off, do you? perv. where I come from we don't have a sexuality. we reproduce by cellsplicing. like amoebas. just as God intended."

ok, i'm still rofling as i type this..


disgusting OP !!!


I would love to have sex with a teenage girl. Obviously shed have to be at least 17 & attractive.

I am not a "pedo"

Go figure

"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day"


I watched TFK over the weekend and realized what has become more taboo, socially, since the movie came out. Today, Parry would be considered a stalker, now that Facebook/MySpace/internet incidents have embedded that word firmly in pop culture lexicon. Ditto "sex with a teenager." I just assumed that Jack was talking about an 18 or 19 year-old.


You are meant to be offended or at least put off by this comment... however, Jack is not likely to be serious. He's signing off his radio show.


'You are meant to be offended or at least put off by this comment... however, Jack is not likely to be serious. He's signing off his radio show.'


At this point of the movie the man's job is to shock/disgust/offend people with his radio show. Because the folks who listen to his show want to be shocked/disgusted/offended, or at least like the thought of others to be shocked/disgusted/offended. Looking at the discussion here I'd say Mr. Lucas did one hell of a job...

There are really some funny and/or weird threads to be found here...



They blew up Congress!!! HAHAHA!


I don't know if this has been stated before because I don't read treads past the 2nd or 3rd page. But the whole reason for that line was to establish Bridges character as a Shock Jock, a radio personality that says outrages and taboo things for shock value the most famous example of which is Howard Stern. It is meant to offend people like the OP, who generally get so angry or offended by what they are hearing they cannot stop listening and waiting to here what the DJ is going to say next. He was not serious it was a gimmick, if he honestly believed what he said on the radio and was actually a bad person he would have never been so gravely effected when the listener shot up the bar.

Evolution is a fact, not a theory. - Carl Sagan


To whom are you speaking?



No, not in the least was I offended, in fact, i wouldn't even be offended if he had sex with a teenager as long as the teenager was above the age of consent/legal adult. You know up until like 3 years ago or something the age of consent in Canada was 14. And anyway, it's a movie and he was a SHOCK JOCK. He's supposed to, and expected to, say things that are SHOCKING--it's in the job title. Get it? Though I don't think it's even that shocking--and no I'm not a pedophile and neither is anyone else who has sex with people above the age of consent. Personally I probably wouldn't have sex with a teenager though do to the fact I wouldn't want to get involved wtih someone who's emotionally and mentally/intellectually immature. Then again, I wouldn't want to have sex with anyone who is isn't emotionally or intellectually mature period


I am Canadian, too, and I agree with you. Why does Canada need a queen?
