Anne (spoiler)

Did anybody else feel a little bad for Anne? She basically supported Jack during his depression / alcoholism and down period after the tragedy. She would say encouraging things to him. He basically mooched off her.
Then as soon as he felt relieved of his guilt after setting up Parry with that girl, he dumps her! As soon as he started that conversation about needing to "slow down," i was like, ugh! are you kidding me? I felt bad for her.
She didn't have to sacrifice so much and she could've dumped him herself, of course, but man that guy was SOOOO selfish! He just turned around back into his former self right away! Nothing had changed at that point.

Anybody else have thoughts on this?



wait, he ends up with her? I must've missed that part. can you explain?
The last scene i remember involving her was him telling her that they should take a break or slow down. did I miss something after that? (seriously... I want to know if I missed something!)


SPOILERS It's the most romantic part of the movie IMHO.

He came back to the video store and just stands there coat over his arm and a single red rose with baby's breath and looks at her not saying anything. She asks him several times what he's doing here, and he just smiles and finally says, "I love you." real low and she stares at him then gets up from her chair and asks him to repeat that, she didn't hear it. She keeps asking him to repeat it - "What?" "What did you say? He doesn't say any more, then he hands her the flowers which she throws away and asks again, can you repeat that??? He said, "I realize that I love you." She stares at him, and slaps his the inane smile off his face. Then she and he kiss violently so the videotapes fall down around them.

He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.


It's an awesome ending!

Hitler! C'mon, I'll buy you a glass of lemonade.


Yes, it was painful to watch that scene. Someone questioned in another thread if she deserved an Oscar for her work in this film. I think that scene was a great example of why she did deserve it.


Yeah but I think that was the point - he was a massive asshole, and despite what he had been through once his opportunity for success came back he appeared to have learned nothing. I had a horrific moment of doubt thinking the film would end like that, but thankfully he went on to have his epiphany. Ultimately he was the Fisher King, it just took him a little while to realise it.
