Maybe it's just that it being a PG comedy I didn't expect it, but I found a lot of the scenes of the troll to be scary. Especially when the girl has her stuffed animal, turns around and sees the troll just laying there. Also when the first victim kid is reaching for what he thinks is Ernest and it turns out to be the troll. But also there were still hilarious moments like the 8th level of mario bros line and the line about his "FOUR" fathers.
I was never scared because I never took it seriously. Jim Varney's one liners just made it too funny to be that creepy, still a hilarious movie though.
"Sheriff! Sherriff!...........ITS A MONSTER!" 99 times out of 100 no one would believe that line. The 100th would be in the movie The Ice Cream Man but that's a different story.
I was about 4 years old, there was a show on t.v. some sort of halloween special, I didn't know what it was I just started watching it. I watched in pure horror as this kid falls in a puddle and some demonic creature turns him into a clay doll, the same happens to a little girl, for some reason I keep watching until there is one kid left riding his bike as fast as he could away from this evil troll. I turn the t.v. off crying. I have nightmares for a week. I live in fear of it for years, then many years later I discover a site called IMDB I search for the movie that horrified me as a kid for a long time. I could not find it, then I had hope a movie called Troll, but as I read about it I learned it was not the movie and I gave up. Another year or so goes by and I see Ernest Goes To Camp, I wonder what score it got from IMDB users so I log on, I look at all the different movies there are of Ernest, and I come acrossed Ernest Scared Silly. I think to myself hmm whats this, I go on it start reading the plot outline...AND IT IS THE MOVIE I HAVE LIVED IN FEAR OF FOR ALL MY LIFE. I was afraid of a *beep* Ernest movie. If I only would have kept watching I too, probably would have been scared silly. I have finally found the scariest movie I have seen in my life and its Ernest! I can't believe it. But now I know its title I can go rent it and see what actually happens throughout the film, and laugh at how I was scared of it for so long. Wow. That just surprises me though. Ernest. *beep* Ernest. I feel like an idiot. Oh well, at least I finally know what it is. So yeah, to the topic now, yes it is scary as *beep* if you're 4 years old and only watch the first ten minutes or so.
I first saw this movie when I was either 8 or 9, and yes, that bedroom scene you can count on to scare kids. My brother gave me a heads up on what was going to happen and it still scared me. The scenes at the treehouse when the troll first gets loose were pretty suspense too, but that was quickly forgotten when Ernest got to the sheriff's house describing the monster. That was hilarious, 2 great big runny noses, looking like a Mr. Potato Head only the size of a watermelon.