Why fear?
So, the deciding factor according to this film of wether you can move on or wether you have to return to Earth and live another life is wether or not you have any fear? What about morals and ethics?
I mean, think about it. You could be a serial rapiest murderer and not care if you get caught and/or killed, and you'd be allowed to move on simply because you have no fear. Or be a suicide bomber working for Al-Quida or some similar terrorist faction and be allowed to move on because of lack of fear.
Consiquently, what exactly is wrong with having fear, that basic survival emotion? What's wrong with having common sense, like conserving your money and not blowing it on things like first class plane tickets or gambling casinos? Or being worried about the saftey of your loved ones? And how about people who suffer from chronic anxiety? Seems they'd have no chance of moving on after death.
In short, I find it very hard to believe that we're judged after death on how courageous we are and not on how moral we are.