Favorite line?

This is such a cute little flick -- on that we can all agree -- but what's the funniest line?

"I'm going to have seven children, and I'm going to name them 'Monday,' 'Tuesday,' Wednesday,' 'Thursday,' 'Friday,' 'Saturday,' and 'Bill,' after Bill."

Either that or, "I never knew pizza could taste so good when it was hot."


when curly sue sings the national anthem for USA.



"Why don't you pick on someone your own size you big ugly punk" and then she kicks the chef really hard on his leg. That is a classic scene.



the pizza line is pretty good.


My favourite line is what Bill says in his speech at the wedding:

*May your life be filled with passion, and may you always have a passion for life*

Or words to that effect. It was my yearbook quote!

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace


I liked when she said something like 'we are gonna freeze our nuts off!'..and then the dad says she doesnt have any..lol

"That officer out there told me I was dead. I'm not dead, am I?"


Sue - "Slap my butt, no way!!!!"

That cracked me up.

"This a cigarette."
"This cigaweed!!!!!" - Rush Hour



"Now you REALLY killed him!"

"Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?" *kicks*

"They cut my HAIR."


u killed my daddy!

why dnt u pick on someone ur own size u big ugly chump!!

hubba hubba!


my favorite is not really a line. but it's when grey's neighbor/doctor comes to tend to bill and when he's walking out the door he picks a big wedgie....watch for yourself


*When Grey comes home from work and she and Sue are sitting exhaustedly in their chairs*

Grey: "How was your day?"
Sue: "Total pisser."
I laugh my ass off whenever I hear that line. LOL

Bill (Stopping in the middle of the street): "C'mon, whatsa matter? This isn't the place! Let's go!"
Sue: "My lips are chapped and I have to find my lip-grease!"
Bill: (rolling his eyes) "Women!" LOL

*When Bill and Sue are playing poker with the housekeeper Trina*

Sue: "Cry-babies never win, lady."
Trina: "Shut up, you can barely see over the table!"
Sue: "I may not be able to see over the table, but I have the other half of your paycheck!" LOL

And one of my favorite parts is when Walker attempts to climb into bed at Grey's apartment, not knowing Sue is sleeping there. Sue wakes up and starts screaming hysterically. LMFAO! That part busts me up every time!


My favourite part is in the church (at leats i think its a church)

"Its because She was too pretty"
"She was too smart"
"She was too pretty!"
"If i say she was too pretty will you shut up?"
"She was too pretty."
"I knew it! I knew it! HUBBA HUBBA"

haha hahahahahaha



cluster funk, you got it exactly right. I loved this movie as a kid, and those are the two lines that always really stuck with me.

Soo... you care about the opinions of a woman whose pet peeves are sobriety and kindness.


My favourite line wasn't said, but was written and went as follows: THE END.

I'm not a troll. What you see above is what I actually feel. Take it or leave it, bub.



"Yeu are da wan who is spowsed to be telling stories about biers det go shahh-ping!"
