Great DVD commentary...

I am one who listens to a lot of DVD commentaries on films I enjoy. This has to be one of the most entertaining. It's not one where everything talked about is very technical, and yet it's not as blah as Farrelly Brothers commentaries. The commentary is filled with great stories: Crystal tells a couple of great stories about Jack about his first day on the set, and one very funny story about the Golden Globes.

I found myself continually laughing with Crystal, Stern and Underwood, and even though I have seen this film 100 times, there were a few lines I found funnier this time around. I never caught on to how funny Phil (Stern) still calls his father-in-law Mr. Levigne even though he's been married over 20 years.



It's on the Collector's Edition.

Sola Scriptura/Sola Gratia/Sola Fide/Solus Christus
