I noticed a flub!

Mitch says that he never saw a Yankees ballgame in color until he his Dad took him to Yankee Standium at the age of 7 (in the year 1959). He also says that during the same year (1959), his family did not own a color TV set.

I was born in 1968, and we didn't get our first color TV set until I was three years old (1971). According to my Dad, although the technology for color TV was around sooner, color TV sets did not enter the market until the mid '60's, and since they were very expensive at the time, the average American could not afford one until the late '60's, early '70's. Back in '59, nobody owned a color set because they were not available in stores. Most TV shows were filmed and broadcast in "Black and White" until '65 or '66 anyway. So what would have been the point of buying one back in '59 (even if they were available) anyway?




NBC made the first coast-to-coast color broadcast when it telecast the Tournament of Roses Parade on January 1, 1954. This means that there were color TV's out there somewhere. RCA was one of the companies making color TV's in the early 50's.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


There were plenty of color TVs, but the color was really bad. Color was primarily for sports anyway, and the green fields were intensely green. People without a lot of cash would not have a color TV. I know we didn't but my cousins did. Out in the Den, where only baseball was watched. The rest of us had to watch Soupy Sales on Black and White.


The George Reeve version of Superman (TV series) was filmed in color, and I think that was 1951.


He's talking about when his father took him to his first game. It was in color because he was at the game, not watching on TV. He was making a joke.


So, he was talking tongue-in-cheekily. I get it now.

Thanks Dan!


Steve :-)

Keep the faith!


Nothing tongue and cheek about it. He never says anything about when he got a color TV. All he says is that his family had a color TV and now seeing a game live is the first time he ever saw a Major League game in color.


Okay,I THINK I got this straightened out. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

He was implying that the baseball games he watched as a young boy on his parents' color set were broadcast in "Black and White?"


Steve :-)

Keep the faith!


He said "we had a black and white TV, so this is the first game I ever saw in color". They didn't have a color TV. He wasn't implying it- he just came out and said it.


Okay, now I get it.

Thanks "Dan0525!"


Steve :-)

Keep the faith!


He's just making the point that colour TV's weren't in wide distribution at the time and it was great seeing his first game with his dad, live...in living colour.
