I noticed a flub!
Mitch says that he never saw a Yankees ballgame in color until he his Dad took him to Yankee Standium at the age of 7 (in the year 1959). He also says that during the same year (1959), his family did not own a color TV set.
I was born in 1968, and we didn't get our first color TV set until I was three years old (1971). According to my Dad, although the technology for color TV was around sooner, color TV sets did not enter the market until the mid '60's, and since they were very expensive at the time, the average American could not afford one until the late '60's, early '70's. Back in '59, nobody owned a color set because they were not available in stores. Most TV shows were filmed and broadcast in "Black and White" until '65 or '66 anyway. So what would have been the point of buying one back in '59 (even if they were available) anyway?