What did he do?

What charge or what was Bean found guilty of and sentenced to the camp for?


other than hitting an MP?......maybe public intoxication, or disorderly conduct. Next time you watch the movie......pay more attention to the beginning. It will answer any questions you may have about what he was imprisoned for.

"You Want A Toe? I Can Get You Toe"



In addition to hitting the MP, public intoxication and behavior, Bean had the "Eight Ball" tatoos on each hand (a violation of Army policy, since the tatoos were exposed).


He never hit any of the MP's, that it was a shove at most. Any half decent military lawyer would have easily got Bean off. Especially with that many witnesses and the mitigating circumstances of his bereavement.

All the crimes he committed were in a civilian establisment whilst off duty.
I don't care if he was in uniform or not. The German Police probably would have fined him for criminal damage, the tattoo charge might have flown but they'd have had to have done it back when he was on duty.


it does not matter if he was in a civilian establishment the army doesn't care
and he was AWOL


That's still assaulting an MP


he got drunk went AWOL
and got tattooes on his hands and refused to get them removed
