
Why didn't the guys take Ricky to the hospital? Yeah, they knew he was dead, but why haul him home and plop him on the couch for his girlfriend, son and mother to lose their minds over? To me that made the least sense.


Not to mention taking his body from a crime scene. The racist cops, always looking for any reason to give black people a hard time, are not going to like the fact that the crime scene was contaminated like that.


Cuz theyz Boyz n the Hood.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


It was a spur of the moment situation. People don't exactly think straight when they are in shock.


I think that DoughBoy was doing what he thought was the right thing to do by bringing his brother home. I guess that was his "Hood" mentality rather than regular thinking by bringing him to the hospital. Most people who leave in the Hood don't think they have help (Police, Hospital, etc..)

my thoughts


"I guess that was his "Hood" mentality rather than regular thinking by bringing him to the hospital. Most people who leave in the Hood don't think they have help (Police, Hospital, etc..) "

Right. 911 is a Joke.

Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan


When the main characters are children they go and see the body of someone that's been murdered and left in the street for quite sometime, so I assumed they grew up with that mentality that if they didn't move Ricky, nobody would.
