I always though Bill was the main guy out of the two and then it would make sense since its called 'Bill and Ted'. Keanu wasn't that famous back then but its funny how he went onto super stardom and Winter didn't.
I don't think it has anything to do with that. They were both very famous back in '89 and no one was more famous than the other. I always thought it was because they showed the credit in alphabetical order, since R comes before W it would make sense.
Well if that's the case then why is that? The only thing I can come up with is because he is considered the "better looking half" or whatever. But I agree with the op, Keanu wasn't really FAMOUS famous back during the first Bill and Ted.
I was a little surprised one was billed above the other, I would have assumed that their names appear at the same time, but I do believe that, of the two, Reeves had a slightly higher profile. I honestly don't know what else Winter did before or between the Bill and Ted films, but prior to the first, Reeves had a few credits, including the critically acclaimed, River's Edge in 1986. And before Bogus Journey he had some more credits, including the hit Parenthood.
"Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer."
Prior to the first film I think both actors were relative unknowns. Reeves had the longer filmography, including the acclaimed 'Dangerous Liaisons', but Winter had appeared in the bigger hit, 'The Lost Boys'. But in the years that intervened between the sequels, Reeves had been in 'Parenthood', 'I Love You to Death' and appeared in the same month's 'Point Break', so he was definitely the bigger star.
The again, I think Reeves was probably just billed ahead of Winter for alphabetical reasons.